Page 29 of Twice as Twisted

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“What’s the matter? You look like you’ve been crying.” Kostas voice came from behind me, and I tried to wipe more makeup from my eyes and act fine.

“My allergies are bad this time of year. I’m fine.” I gulped more of the wine and Kostas poured himself a bourbon. He turned his tall frame to me and unbuttoned the top of his shirt.

“Cheers,” he said, raising his glass.

“Cheers,” I said, and raised mine.

“How was it while I was gone? You guys didn’t kill each other?” he laughed and sipped his drink.

“Everything was wonderful. They worked, I worked. We watched a movie together on Saturday.” I sipped my drink, and he walked up to me, setting down his drink on the counter. He bent down and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. “Let’s go to the bedroom. I’ve missed your perfect little mouth.” He placed his hand on the top of my head and lightly pressed down.

I slipped out from under his grasp and walked to the living room. “Let’s go outside and sit. I want to talk to you about some things.” I called over my shoulder, continuing to walk outside and onto the patio. The night was calm but chilly, a storm advisory in effect. I walked to the loungers by the pool and sat, patting the spot beside me. He sat, reluctantly.

“Listen, this relationship has moved really fast since we started. I need to focus on my father’s business this summer. I feel like we should postpone the wedding until the fall.” I watched his face for a reaction and braced the wine in my hand in case I needed to flee. He was silent but looked off into the sunset. Sipping his bourbon, he shook his head.

“I should have known you would do this.” He stood.

“Do what? I just think we need to be more meticulous with everything. Take the time we need for everything to go the way we want. The wedding included.” I stood as well, a shiver running through me.

“I should have fucking known!” He shouted into the sky, still shaking his head, and walking towards the pool. I felt confused, scared. I thought over my words again to see where I could have been rude or incorrect.

“You spoiled, little beach-bitches. You wouldn’t know or care about a good man if he bit you on the ass! You 're just too self-absorbed to see it.” He ran a hand through his hair, his forehead sprinkled with sweat.

“Self-absorbed? I may like nice things, but I care about other people’s feelings.” I clutched my glass and wrapped my arms around my body.

“It really doesn’t help the situation that you’re a slut. An insatiable, nasty slut.” He hissed the words, his knuckles white, clutching the glass.

“Excuse me?” I bit back tears at the sting of it. If I ever thought I could love this man, that was over now. If I ever my doubted my feelings for Judas, he just solidified them. It made me want to run straight to his bed right now.

“You heard me! A fucking slut!” He chucked the glass at the ground next to my feet, smashing against the cement. I grabbed my face and screamed, a searing pain shooting through my cheek.

I took my hand away from my face, and blood smeared my fingers. I ran to the house and into the bathroom, slamming the door, tears stinging the cut on my face. I had really fucked up this time. My lies and mistakes would get me killed by this abusive asshole. I needed to figure out what I could do to make this transaction happen faster and get the hell away from this place.


Today was the day.

The day of the grandiose spectacle Alyssa and my father were putting on. And I mean ‘putting on’ in a total metaphorical way. Alyssa promised me my birthday gift today, and while I didn’t want a motorcycle, I researched what they cost and was looking forward to my gift of equal sum. I invited Juniper to be my date, and as I stood in the mirror and adjusted the blazer over my button up; I liked what I saw. I decided tonight was the night I was finally going to kiss her.

I walked into the bright kitchen and Judas was bent over a cup of coffee, looking like a deflated punching bag.

“Tie one on again last night? Or did you already wreck that pretty little bike of yours?” I said, pouring myself some coffee.

“Fuck you, bro. You don’t even know the half of it.” He ran both hands thru his hair and rubbed his eyes.

“You’re going tonight, right?” I leaned back against the counter and watched his eye close.

“Yeah, I’ll be there. At some point.” He kicked the stool back and stood. He only wore a pair of boxers and Ugg slippers. And he calls me a pussy. I walked back to my room to grab my wallet, and Alyssa was just opening her bedroom door to leave.

“Hey there, you ready to go?” She had her hair done up in curls at the top of her head and wore a tight summer dress in light green. I gave her a thumbs up, and she smiled.

“I have your gift, you want it?” She pulled out a fancy wrapped box from behind her and shook it lightly. I laughed and accepted the gift.

Tearing off the paper, the picture of a new Nikon D500 looked up at me. “What? Wow, thank you. This is… amazing.” I marvelled at the box, and Alyssa grabbed my arm.

“I’m so glad you love it. You can break it in at the engagement party.” She gave me a wide, toothy grin. It made her look childish and adorable.

“Yeah, of course I will.” I turned the box over in my hands. I was itching to get it opened up and turned on. I could already feel my excitement to get behind the lens returning.
