Page 34 of Twice as Twisted

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The photos were moving, thought provoking even. My brother was undeniably handsome. He carried an even the amount of masculine and feminine. I watched women throw themselves at him repeatedly. Unfortunately for them, none held his attention long enough for him to return the adoration. The photo’s confirmed Judas was the one who broke Dad’s nose. I couldn’t think of anything Dad would have done to provoke such violence. And Judas just let Alyssa take his photograph after he exploded like that? It made little sense to me.

I guess neither did their twisted little relationship. On top of the bed was a square basket with handles, filled with notebooks, folders, and books. The folder on top said Augustine’s, along with the address. I opened it, skimming through the contract. Richard Davenport had bought the Marina and restaurant from Alyssa’s father. Everyone’s signatures at the bottom. A post it note paper-clipped to the top, stated Alyssa as her father’s only beneficiary.

She sold the Marina.

“What are you doing down here, Jeno?” Alyssa’s voice directly behind me almost made me jump, but I dropped the folder onto the floor.

“I just wanted to see how big it was down here. Then the boat rocked, and this fell over.” I motioned to the still upright basket, catching myself in the lie instantly.

Her brows were furrowed, arms crossed. “Satisfied?”

I didn’t answer, and the quiet between us became thick. Water sloshed out on the sides of the boat. The quiet just made me angry. I felt like everyone was quiet all the time. Hushed secrets permeating the air. Unless my father was throwing a tantrum like a petulant child. Breaking everything in his path. Then it was chaos, followed by quiet.

“Actually, no. I’m not satisfied. Are you leaving? Or is selling the Marina a plan you and Dad have come up with together?” I had both hands in my pockets, and my height forced me to bend down slightly, so I leaned against the edge of the counter. She laughed softly and sat down on the bed.

“Your father doesn’t know. Yes, I am leaving. It’s not because of your dad. Or even the Marina. I just never had the chance to go after my dreams. I was married or…” She trailed.

“It’s Judas, isn’t it? It’s because of him.” My eyes travelled back to the photos hanging on the strings. Of Judas, pensive and emotional. In black and white. Photos Alyssa shot.

“It’s not Judas. I’ve had this plan all along. I just didn’t expect your father to propose to me. Here,” She handed me the enormous diamond that formally sat on top of her delicate ring finger. “I’m going to talk to your father when we both get back. You keep it. Buy up everything you can for your photography career.” She looked as if she’d been crying, her makeup smudged and her cheeks pink.

“I can’t take this. You should talk to Dad, soon. I can’t… I mean, I won’t lie to him or keep this from him, Alyssa.” I clenched my hands into fists in my pockets. I was angry that I was even a small part in this fiasco. I just hoped she wasn’t lying to me because I had no problem telling the truth.

She didn’t speak, just nodded, and looked at the floor. “You remind me of my brother, Billie. He was always straightforward. He hated secrets. Even as a kid, my parents couldn’t tell him about any of our birthday gifts because he would tell us, and we knew it. My sister and I took full advantage of him until my parents caught on.” She stared at her fingertips as she spoke.

“He died in a car crash when I was in high-school. After his fiancé never came back from vacation.” She looked up at me from under her lashes. “Your mother, Hannah, was engaged to my brother. When she didn’t come home, he got loaded and drove. He never made it home that night, though.”

I could feel the heavy thuds in my chest, making my entire body feel like a heartbeat. My ears burned, and I swallowed. I didn’t know what horrified me more about what she just told me. The fact that my mom could have been Alyssa’s sister-in-law, or that her brother was dead and gone because my mother ran from an engagement.

I rubbed my forehead, frustrated. “Are you telling me this was all planned? Like you did all this as a big ‘fuck you’ to my mother?” My voice came out high. I didn’t know what I would do if she said yes.

“No, Jeno. It wasn’t a plan of revenge at all. I’m telling you this because it’s a lesson in forgiveness. I don’t need to get revenge on Hannah to feel better. It doesn’t work like that. What I need is to focus on myself, and your dad gave me that chance.” She reached out a touched my knee, but I didn’t find comfort in the gesture.

I stood to leave, facing her one last time, “You should tell him now. Don’t be fucking selfish.”

I leftthe marina with shaky hands and an empty stomach.

It appeared my choices were being made for me, and now I would have to tell Kostas everything. Before Jeno did. I hadn’t planned on selling the Marina. Richard made me a generous offer, one that was far more beneficial for him than me. But when he made his offer; when he handed me my freedom on a platter— I realised how badly I wanted to run. I was going to take Dad’s boat and the small amount of money I made and go to Europe. It would take time, but I could do it. I was raised on boats.

The beach house was already Kostas, well it was Hannah’s. but it would be Kostas soon. Hannah never planned to return here. She wasn’t brave enough. I’m sure she will happily hand over the deed to him if it came to that. Knowing that, I also knew her family beach house hadn’t been used since her parents passed away. It was all the time I needed to sell the marina and make some cash. I believed it all lined up the way it did that night, because I was here, in this very fucked up moment. Just like Kostas was exactly where he needed to be.

But now, I have Judas to think about. I couldn’t leave him behind. My heart wouldn’t let me. My weak, love-sick heart. I stared into the bathroom mirror, wiping away the condensation from the shower. I blow dried my hair straight down my back and applied thick liner and mascara to my blue eyes. I squeezed into a white crop top with sleeves, and a pair of high-waisted moto leggings with black combat boots.

I shoved as many naughty negligees and thongs into my leather backpack as I could, along with one comfy pair of sweats and a killer tube dress. I surveyed my outfit one last time in the standing mirror next to the front door. One last swipe of red lipstick and I could hear Judas outside on his bike. I stepped outside, smiling ear to ear. Judas took off his helmet, handing me the smaller version that matched his.

“You look downright illegal. Turn around, baby.” He took my hand and kissed it, and I let him spin me in a circle as he hissed. He smacked my ass hard. I pulled on the helmet and swung my leg over the bike. He started up the engine; the humming running up and down my body. I squirmed, my nipples tightening from the vibration and closeness of Judas’ body. He pulled away fast, my head jerking back and my hands gripping his hard body. I didn’t know what awaited us in LA. Maybe it would be the last trip we would get to have together. Make memories we can keep forever and think back on and smile.

Maybe we would just never look back.

As soon asshe hopped on the back of my bike, my body flooded with adrenaline.

For the next two days, she was all mine. I wanted to show up, beat my chest. I wanted to shout that I was the winner. I wanted to fuck her on the seat of this bike, pulled over on the side of the road. Her creamy ass cheeks spread for all to see. I tried not to think about what would happen when we came back. I was going to live in the moment and enjoy it. I was good at that.

I was going to take her to LA, a short two-hour trip, and we could stay at a fancy hotel with her boat money. She was a princess, and she deserved far nicer than what I could afford. The first and only thing I wanted to do was slide inside of her. I wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything else until I could be inside her. I wanted to sink myself so deep inside that it felt like we were one. I craved to know what it was like to spill inside of her.

We made it into the city in less than two-hours, with the speed I was doing. It didn’t scare me, and it only made Alyssa grip me tighter. It made it hard to concentrate on driving. All I kept thinking was if her hands would just drop a little lower…
