Page 5 of Twice as Twisted

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I wanted to know what was taking so long. Scratchy sheets and room service didn’t exactly feel like home to me. Eager to start my first evening watching surveillance at the Marina, I changed into my collared shirt and khakis three times. Even though I knew I would receive my very own geek-certified uniform. I had never done security so-to-speak; I doubt I could defend myself without a weapon of some sort. I knew PCs up and down, backwards and forwards. Spent some time hacking a girl’s phone to see if she was cheating. She was, and now I can get into anyone’s phone I want to.

Hacker skills not required, don’t fucking over-share just because you’re nervous. My thoughts went back to the beautiful woman, the owner, and the woman from the gallery.


How can someone that beautiful own a Marina? There had to be some weird karmic-law that didn’t allow that to happen. She had it all. My mother often spoke about boats when I was a child. She frequently fell asleep on a boat as a child. When she decided not to return home after spring-break, her family refused any financial help. That was when she got pregnant. My parents got married fast and made a quiet life in Sacramento after meeting in San Francisco. I felt a small pinch at the back of my neck and held back the tears. Then I chastised myself for acting like such a sensitive baby.

I tried to remain confident that my Dad’s decision to move here was the right one. He could be stubborn. This new woman he insisted on keeping a surprise, delaying the inevitable; that Judas and I would dislike her before we even knew her. Whoever she was, if she was close to my dad’s age, she would come with cats, or a drinking problem. I hoped maybe she at least liked to read. Then, if she was a total bitch, I could just slowly steal them all.I wanted the uncomfortable introduction to be over with. Then we could all go back to living our boring, everyday lives again.

The walk to the Marina was short, the beach visible from the hotel balcony. Seagulls circled the cloud-streaked skies, and the waves crashed against the shore. Children squealed with glee while they ran to the water. I noticed an ice cream cart at the end of the street and bought myself a popsicle. I enjoyed a few minutes of sun warming my back and the enjoying the cold, orange flavour. I could almost say I felt happy. Maybe the constant flow of vitamin D was lifting my mood. The same blonde chick, Draya, from yesterday stood in the main lobby. Right next to the bar where Alyssa had once sat, right next to me.

I wondered if I would see her here tonight. I followed blondie down two wooden flights of stairs that lead under the large deck. When we came to the bottom, I noticed the massive, sleek boats that stretched out before me. She led me to a small cabin underneath the stairs, lined with security TV’s and a triple screened PC. Walkie-talkies in charging stations lined the back wall.

“These are for the staff on the night shift. They will be in throughout the night to pick them up. Sign in and out sheet is here.” She pointed to the clipboard in front of them. She booted up the computer and brought up a spreadsheet with owner’s names and numbers, and registrations. The brief run-down she gave me was straightforward.

This job would be easy. I sat back in the aged computer chair. Draya straightened and stood, asking if I felt comfortable enough for her to go.

“I’m confident in my ability to keep everything in order.” I said, giving her my best impress-the-adult smile.

“Great! I had a good feeling about you. I’m so glad we found you when we did.” Draya smoothed her white button down and opened the small, creaky door. The small building looked to be old, stained with salt water on the outer walls, and the inside smelled of fish and oil. I clicked around the computer screen a bit, looking through the waspy names of wealth.

Theodore, Franklin, Thompson.

Nope, no Greek immigrants here. Even though the Greek blood ran through my veins; I looked white. I never kept the golden tan that Dad and Judas wore as an accessory. Or maybe I just didn’t make it outside enough. I preferred the comfort of my gaming computer or a winged back chair and a book. My hair was streaked with blonde, and anytime I told someone new that Judas and I were twins; they would stare. I might’ve had a ticket to a good university, but Judas got everything he wanted with just the quirk of his mouth.

Every single sliprenter at Augustine’s adored me.

They were the ‘appointed dad number X’ because they were friends with my father for so long, watching my siblings and I grow up before their eyes. I still received pats on the cheeks (both face and ass), back pats and ‘You’re such a pretty girl’. All those years of applying skin oils and eye creams, attending yoga and kick boxing classes. It must have paid off, because I got tips just for being me.

Yes, my father invested a lot of time and money in this place. Buying the marina first and then adding a yacht club with a bar and full-service restaurant. He quickly became well known in the area. Wealthy Europeans looking for a spot to lock down for multiple seasons, since US was far cheaper to dock than Europe. And my father took full advantage. But the Marina cost a lot in over-head and payroll. Don’t even ask me about the taxes. This was the first year I would have to do them, and it terrified me.

“Alyssa! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you. Are you back permanently now? New husband yet? I remember how boy crazy you were as a teen!” Gerry, a balding middle-aged slip holder. His yacht was one of the largest we housed, and his membership price was fairly hefty.

“Gerry, you look handsome as ever. Permanently? That’s questionable.” I smiled, and he pulled me into him as he kissed both of my cheeks. He smelled like bar soap and dirty money. His eyes lingered on my laced white corset I wore over my blouse. I raised my eyebrow at him, and he smiled.

“I’ll be sending you a check this week, sweetheart. Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope to see your beautiful face here more often.” He patted my arm and made his way to the dimly lit bar. I was convinced any organisation or club that involved machinery or engines and men you would find alcohol at the centre.

Quite the expensive way to drink with your friends if you ask me.

“Wanna checkout a bonfire party at some yuppies beach house, tonight?” I tied my sneakers, looking down over Leo’s toned abs gleaming in the sunshine.

I wanted to run my tongue along its ridges and down to the concave of his hips and his hard…

“Yeah sure, I need some fun before I head back home.” He squinted his right eye, pausing his crunches on the blue carpeted floor. The gym at the hotel was huge and had a bunch of weights. Weights weren’t Leo’s thing, but they were mine. I curled a thirty-pounder and watched in the mirror as my veins protruded in my arms, the muscles straining.

When I finished, I spotted Leo at his feet for crunches. I let my eyes travel up the insides of his loose, black basketball shorts. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath. I licked my lips and looked up at him from hooded eyes. His toned legs pumped while his body folded in half with each crunch. His face twisted in pain, and all I imagined I was behind him, my dick the reason for his face to look that way.

“Hey, can I ask you a question. And be honest with me.” He stopped, resting his elbows on his knees, pausing in between his words as he tried to catch his breath.

“Yeah, I can guarantee an honest answer. Shoot.” I looked into his brown eyes. His heavy lashes and brows highlighting his Latin culture on his facial features.

“I think I’m into dudes. But girls too, is that totally fucked up?” He squinted his eyes.

I laughed and sat back on my heels, spreading my hands wide. “Whatever makes you happy. I think I already knew that, anyway.”

“I knew you’d get it. You just get me, J.” He smiled and kept pumping, making me jump forward and return to spotting him. I was thankful to be on my knees in front of him, because right now my legs were jelly.

The second nightworking at the marina was easier than the first.
