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My king?

I almost laughed out loud. He did not ask from where I came, or who I belonged to. He only cared if I had lay below his Deacon.

“Bow? To you? I bow to no one.”

His face turned a bright shade of red, and Domenico stepped in between us with one broad step. “You must excuse her, she is weary and tired. Why don’t you get back to your quarters, Lilith.”

I was a Goddess; I wouldn’t be spoken to by amanthis way. I wouldn’t let him take a royal piss anywhere near me.

In one swift motion, I used my power to snatch him by the meaty throat, my teeth bared. “Would you rather eat my pussy? Would that be enough?”

Slamming him to the ground as if he was nothing more than a sack of potatoes, I placed my naked foot over his throat, looking down over his now stunned face. I sneered, locking eyes with his.

The red faded, his pupils dilating into huge discs of black, as his mouth went slack. He nodded, in a daze.

Domenico remained behind me, but I could feel his senses on edge, waiting to defend me in a moment if needed.

Good vampy.

“That’s what I thought,” I purred, lifting my dress up, just enough to draw his gaze to my well of power.


Domenico’s clipped voice took me out of my own tantric spell, and I looked over my shoulder, growling.

I stepped back, ignoring every urge I had to kill him right here.

Perhaps I should be thankful that Domenico intervened—the king had every right to request my head at such an insult.

And as a Goddess, I had every right to do the same.



Later that night, I held the insolent man who’d called Lilith a whore by his throat. A gift for my Goddess.

He hung limply from my hand, my fist wrapped tightly as his eyes bulged, pushed up against the wall of our bedroom. Lilith purred behind me, pleased with our captive toy for the night.

“You…traitor…bastard…all for awoman.”

“Shh, shh. No need to make this any harder than it already is. You haveinsultedher beyond repair. Be a man and face your fate with bravery. God would want it that way,” I sneered, baring my fangs.

Lilith clapped her hands behind me with excitement. “You thought you could get away with calling me awhore?How foolish of you.”

She circled behind me until she stood by my side, watching his terrified face fixed on my mouth.

In a blur, I lifted him off the ground, bounding wall-to-wall until he was slung over the large, crystal chandelier in the middle of the room. Face down, he gripped the chains of the suspended light in terror, as he stared down over a now naked Lilith.

“Are you ready to play with our toy, my Goddess?”

Her nude body set me aflame, the warm feeling I hadn’t experienced since I was mortal. She was the lifeblood I craved, and there was nothing that could come between what we shared.

She nodded, moving beside me and stroking my chest. She looked up at me from under her lashes, and grinned. “Kill him.”

At her command, lightning fast, I grabbed the sharp, silver dagger from our bedside, slashing his belly down the middle.

I rejoined her below him, and as a shower of red, sticky blood and intestines fell around us, I kissed her deeply. The blood coated our bodies in a dark red sheen as our tongues tangled and she shivered. We collapsed together to the floor, laughing, touching, and nipping. I kissed down her neck to her pebbled nipple, bringing it into my mouth, sucking gently as she gasped. It was magnificent, the glimmer in her eyes as we slipped over each other’s skin, grinding with urgency for contact.
