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I wanted revenge, and I wanted blood spilled, but not the precious blood that she held in her veins. I would trap her, somehow, giving myself an endless supply of her magical blood. I would be the only vampire with access to walking in the sun.


It didn’t take long for a caravan of wanderers to pick Lilith up off the side of the road. I’d followed her for at least a mile, and a few times I’d thought about turning back, but my curiosity got the best of me, Ineededto know where she was going, what she was up to. It was most certainly nothinggood, she had upturned our entire castle in the matter of a few years, and now she was fleeing to do the same to someone else.

She must be stopped.

The voice inside my head sounded much like the voice of God, the voice I followed, the voice I gained all wisdom from. It nagged at me, and did not allow me to close my eyes for a second.

I’d hopped on the last carriage of the long line of travelers, abandoning my cassock before I asked for passage.

I was no stranger to being on the road for long periods of time, I was always the one tasked to find new parishioners or seminarians. We would only be able to continue this charade if we had followers, and new followers were my responsibility.

I snacked on apples and honey as we travelled, and I asked vague questions, until I got the answer I looked for.

We were headed to England, to a place that promised growth and opportunity. These people gladly picked up passengers who also sought new beginnings—and my guess was that was exactly Lilith’s intention, starting over.

The hate and jealousy I had for her only grew as the weeks passed by. I watched her make friends, flirt with men, get drunk and sleep wherever she pleased. She slept beside men and women alike, sometimes multiple people at once. I gripped my cock as I watched her trysts, and I cursed myself for never being able to feel her snug, wet insides clench around me. I thought about taking her in her sleep, selfishly and unapologetically. Only I never did, I spilled my seed into my hand and whispered her name as pleasure tipped me over and left me empty. I was disgusted, these vile thoughts permeating my mind like a virus I couldn’t shake. This was her fault, her doing, she was evil and I would have to repent day after day…sinful thought after sinful regret.

I watched her as her belly grew.

I watched her as she gave birth to a screeching baby girl, and I watched her tuck the new babe inside of her dress with cloth, as she escaped into the night once again.

She did not seek passage inside of a carriage this time, no, she walked…shefloatedto the next town over, looking over her shoulders every few steps.

Domenico couldn’t have known this was why…there was no way his controlling behavior would allow that.

I wanted nothing more than to go back, I no longer desired the revenge I thought I would have. She had a child now, I could never commit such an act to a mother.

But Lilith would never be a real mother, I knew that, and as I watched her place the new baby in a basket, leaving on the front steps of a large house just on the outskirts of town—I knew.

I knew she would return, perhaps not today, but she would someday. I needed to return to the castle so I could tell Domenico exactly what she was, what she had done.

I wanted to strike the match that would light the fire of hate for her through Domenico’s eyes. I wanted to watch his rage consume him, an ongoing vendetta to eradicate the woman who rejected him, never even cared for him.

Perhaps I would not be able to exact revenge myself, but I knew my brother, and I knew he would do better than I ever could.




It appeared the only way out or in of this pit was through the trap door in the ceiling. I was filthy and hungry, and my body weakened with each night I spent rotting in here.

I had slept for two nights, today would make day three and no one had even checked on me. I was left with a piss pot and a small, ceramic decanter of water. I needed food badly, and my heart ached for the creatures of my forest back at home.

I should have known better than to trust him. I was a fool to believe I could love two people, or that two people would love me. Garm was right, I only got myself into this mess by thinking with my cunt. I hated that he was right. I had failed to use judgement and intuition, only complicating things for me further.

I felt a sob begin to claw the back of my throat, but I swallowed it down, refusing to let this bloodsucker break me down.

I need you…if I ever needed you, it’s now.

One tear managed to escape, running down my cheek.

If The Dark Mother was a demon, or an entity, I could conjure her with a sigil and a sacrifice. It wouldn’t be easy to do down here, but if I could find a way out of this pit and into the guests’ quarters again…I could do it.

I wondered if Charity was treated the same as me, or if she was protected under Charles' wing. He knew this Red King, and he brought me straight to him. Fire burned my insides again, and instead of exhausting myself in a fit, I harnessed that anger inside until it unfurled around me, lifting from the ground, my eyes rolling back inside my head. The cuff around my ankle shook, but did not break, and I cursed at myself. I was not powerful enough to break these chains. My coercion would have to be the tool I used to get me out of here. I stood below the trap door, small cracks of lights beaming through and onto the dirt floor. I squinted my eyes, smiling to myself as I saw a pair of feet guarding the door.
