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I thought about returning to the Underworld, only it was a damp and dark place where not much light graced its floors. I had become attached to the sunlight, often bathing in it on days where the loneliness consumed me.

Where would I go from here? Should I go back for the young girl they called Lux?

After expertly trapping two rabbits, I spit them over a small fire. I sat, chewing and plotting.

It was then that I decided I would go to Lux, and I would do whatever I could to keep her safe. I would intervene any way I could, and that included taking her away from whoever I must.



“She wasburned? Who ordered such a thing?”

My voice was cross, and as I stood in front of my younger brother, I began to tremble. This was not what I intended; I did not want these men to take matters into their own hands. They were supposed to report back to me immediately after they found her.

Dante looked different; he was sad, guilty.

“Who did it?”

He hung his head and remained silent, and I knew he was guilty, I knew of his jealousy. He was in charge over the small villages and their men, only this time he had gone too far.

I roared, gripping the sides of my desk, my knuckles burning, as I lifted it over my head and threw it across the room.

Dante cowered, he knew what I could do, he didn’t want to be on this end of my rage.

He was a coward, and a sorry excuse for the last name Delesepps.

I stalked from the room, intent on walking the hidden corridors, so I would not see anyone while I was filled with such anger. I could not let my guard down; the mask must remain.

I needed to find Melody, her face was the only thing that could soothe me, bring me back down again.

“Dom, what is it?”

Her blonde ringlets bobbed in front of her pale, freckled face. She kissed me on the cheek gently and I smiled.

It was long ago that she was simply a fledgling in my school for children, a young, supple fifteen. But then her family committed the utmost betrayal—killing a vampire. The violence that followed left Melody bloody and mangled, missing fingers and toes. I had no choice but to turn her, and now she was mine forever.

“Just foolish men who do not know how to wield their power. Come with me.”

She followed behind me, down the hidden corridors and to the spot we loved that looked out over the gardens. A large bed overflowing with pillows and blankets piled on top of it. She plopped down on her back, always the bright star in my dark sky.

“You must hide, because there will certainly be repercussions from this act.”

She looked at me, confused, but she nodded her head slowly.

“And just what can hurtme?”

There it was; the cockiness of a newly turned vampire. I had warned her of this cockiness that would be her demise. We may be immortal, but stakes and sunshine were two very real threats to our kind. There were people who rumored other devices that would kill, but most of them were false.

“You must fear Lilith, The Dark Mother, always. She is the killer of children, and you are no exception.”

Her eyes went wide, and I stroked the hair back from her face, gaining a smile from her.

“Is she a vampire as well?”

I sat back, removing the holy collar that I wore around my neck. I was exhausted and planned to take some time away with Melody anyway. I would show her the cliffs of Greece, and the dark hills where we came from.

All would be well, I just needed to make sure we would not be where Lilith last left me.
