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As a boy, he was eager to please. The blue in his eyes would shine as he would say,“Yes, Deacon.”

Once he reached seventeen, his insatiable desire showed themselves to me. I watched him stroke himself every moment he had alone, he was much like I was when I had been young and naive.

After much time, and many late nights, I had Charles just where I wanted him—a malleable and willing student, taking orders like such agood boy. He deserved to be rewarded.

As he grew older, before he left on his errand for me in Bethlehem, the rewards were orgasms, beautiful, painful orgasms. I’d edged him until he couldn’t take it any longer and had begged me for a release. I missed those moments from our sordid relationship—the begging, the pleading. His rosebud lips, panting and parted. I wanted to hear him beg for me again.

Once I had his trust, I knew he would be the key to breeching the witches’ wards.

I walked the courtyard, under the full moon that shown so brightly tonight, that I could see for miles across the fields behind the castle. The rose bushes and moonflowers were a welcomed distraction, I walked each night just to see them. It felt as though this one flower was made just for me—its beautiful white petals opening beneath the moon’s influence.

Lilith reminded me of that flower, and I was the moon. Pain lanced my insides, and I cursed myself for allowing someone to ever cause me pain. I was immortal, I was as ancient as this castle. Pain was for the weak, the mortal.

Just as I turned down the cobblestone path, back to the castle, a black snake slithered over my foot. I leaped forward, catching it just behind its head. Bringing it close to my face, it’s tongue sliding in and out in a flickering beat. I hadn’t seen a snake inside these gardens since Lilith. I surveyed the land, and a thick fog rolled in from the woods that bordered the property, and a foreboding feeling tickled the back of my neck as the snake struggled inside my fist.

I spoke into the sky, “I welcome you back, Dark Mother. It’s been a very long time.”



When Dante brought word of Lilith’s two great-granddaughters, I was pleased. So many years waiting, so many years to decide what action needed to be taken.

I had planned on stealing Annabel’s child and simply keeping her until Lilith noticed she was missing. If I used the child, it would be easy to bring Lilith to me—she watched over her I was sure, and I knew this because my men could never get close enough. She had wards and protection spells around the girl, and the girl even began to practice witchcraft herself.

It wasn’t until I received word that the girl ran away that I began to send the men after her, to no avail. She was enamored with a wolf-man who tore apart men as if they were pieces of paper.

“The couple has two daughters, and one is refusing to leave. She will remain behind alone. I think the time is now.”

I steepled my hands as I sat behind the old oak desk that was once my grandfather’s, watching Dante’s scarred face. He weakened every day, and it wasn’t uncommon that a vampire who no longer had a will to live would crumble into ash the day the last shred of hope in him dies.

“There are wards, I am sure. They have not come this far without them. No, we need to take her in a way that isn’t quite so…primal.”

Dante nodded, but I was the brains behind it all, he was merely the errand boy, he knew his place. This was exactly what we needed—an errand boy who looked like a handsome prince, someone innocent and pure.

Instantly, my thought was drawn to Charles, his blue eyes and floppy hair, the way his grin slanted, and his skin shined.

“Fetch me Charles, I think I have an idea.”

There were plenty of followers whom I could puppeteer easily, and one would be happy to relocate for the Grace of God. Thomas, Annabel’s husband.

It was an easy task, getting Charles and Thomas to the small town of Bethlehem near the witch’s cabin. I was certain that Charles would be able to breech the wards, but Thomas was also a loose cannon and slightly insane. Perhaps he could teach Charles about the importance of skepticism and a man’s iron fist. They really could go a long way if applied, and I wanted Charles to be the one to bring the witch to me.

It wouldn’t be an easy sell. The boy had become slightly…attached to me.

I would just have to be as vague as possible and remind him of the rewards he loved so much.

I wanted to tell him that I promised Melody that he would be hers someday. She was a healthy vampire with a hefty appetite for blood and intimacy. Lust and blood went hand in hand for a vampire, and Charles was the perfect one to meet her desires.

A boy raised in a brothel, what better student could she have? It would happen, even if I had to force it a little.


“How long will I be gone?”

“As long as it takes, the first step is to gain the family’s trust. Thomas must marry, insert himself into the community, by the way of God, of course.”

Charles ran a hand through his messy hair, sighing and looking at the stone floor.
