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Once we were inside Melody’s room, his icy finger traced my ear, down my neck.

“My sweet boy, it seems that once again you are the answer to all my burning needs…”

Domenico’s eyes were a stark black against his pale skin, and for the first time, the sight of his fangs made me shiver.

I thought back to those nights with him, wondering how I could have missed something like fangs. Did he have to resist biting me during those trysts?Didhe bite me on those nights that I had drunk too much and woke up the next day with a throbbing head? I could remember him telling me that people only believed what they wanted, and I had no reason to think that monsters walked among us. Especially inside a church, a place of peace and sanctuary. The words of God.

“Me? What could I possibly do to wake her?”

“Kiss her. Now.”

He pulled me toward the bed, and the blonde-haired beauty looked angelic, but also dead. The lingering sting of Charity’s rejection still lay heavily on my heart, but I wanted to help Domenico, I wanted to please him.

“Why me? It cannot be so simple.”

I watched as his eyes flicked to the bloomed rose beside the bed, with a nervous drumming of his thumbs against each other.

“What is it?”

It was then that a bolt of lightning stabbed through the sky, the small window above Melody’s bed shattering into a million pieces and all over the beauty’s face and hair. I fall back, crashing into Domenico. His face is one of terror, and out of the corner of my eye I see Dante flee, as if running for his life.

“Do it, now!”

Blindly, almost mechanically, I turned to her, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to her cold lips.

Nothing happened at first, and as I pulled back, I almost saidtold you so, but I’m interrupted by her ragged coughing.

My eyes were wide, and Domenico gripped my arms tightly.

I watched in awe as her lavender eyes opened and she gave me a wide, fang filled smile.

She was hopelessly, sinfully, gorgeous. A porcelain doll, with the soft features of a girl, but the demand of a vampire queen.

My knees were weak, and I was thrusted from my haze of lust by my hair, Domenico wrenching my head back.

He bit me, two sharp pangs of pain followed by warm pleasure. I was immobilized, at the mercy of his bite. Blood smeared my neck, and I lazily tried to wipe it away. Domenico lifted his head, pushing me onto Melody, her mouth eagerly wrapping around the wound. It felt like hours, and I think I may have nodded off at one point.

“Enough, Melody. You will drain him if you do not stop.”

I was tucked into Melody’s four poster bed, and I drifted into a deep, sated sleep.




All these years, I thought the death of my daughter was at the hands of Domenico.

He had every motive to hurt me, I betrayed him for my freedom, becoming pregnant with a child because of it. His reach was too far to tell, and his sermons were talked about from France, all the way to England. He was everything a powerful man should be, and for that, I should have known he would never waste his time on an orphaned child from his beloved.

It was Dante all along. His jealousy of Domenico shadowing any loyalty he had to his bloodline. His need to be desired married to the fact that rejection was a daily occurrence. I had rejected him on countless occasion, and once felt such pity for him that I let him feed from me. Was that single act a mistake? Did I take my pity for him too far? Leading him to believe that he would ever be able to attain someone like me?

The castle was full of my snakes now, and rain poured down so fierce, so hard that every window was broken, and water seeped inside through the cracks and crevices.

Water was below my bare feet with each step, and my hair was plastered to my forehead from exertion. I had never taken my powers this far, and it was utterly glorious. The very wind around me was under my control, each crash of thunder, each bolt of lightning.

I took my time walking to the apothecary room, I knew just where he would be cowering, and I knew exactly how to kill him. I was prepared to take a vampires life tonight, but I hadn’t thought my spear was angled for Dante.
