Page 10 of Redemption

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My fingers flex at my sides as Matteo ends the call with the woman who has been stuck in my brain ever since we laid eyes on her last night. She was in my thoughts when we left the club, my dreams when I slept. She consumed my soul when I had to find my release in the shower this morning.

There’s something about her. I can’t pinpoint what it is, but it’s alluring, intoxicating, and sinful.


I really do need to feel her on my dick, then maybe I can get over it and focus on the task at hand: the Russians.

Grabbing my jacket off the sofa beside me, I slip my arms into the sleeves, looking between my brothers who are getting ready to leave too.

The Ritz is opulent, tasteful, and grand, which is exactly what we like, especially in the large suites they offer, which allows the three of us to be in the same place with our own rooms, with a large living space for us to share in the center.

“Fuuuck, my dick is so hard right now just hearing the sound of her voice. Are you sure we can’t reschedule the meeting this morning and focus on ourBella, instead?” Enzo squeezes his dick, emphasizing the hardship he’s dealing with, and I roll my eyes as Matteo slaps the back of his head.

“This isn’t some love story, brother, it’s a night of fucking, two at most before she leaves town, nothing more. We must remain focused.” Matteo steps away from the seating area, moving for the door without waiting for a response from either of us.

I agree with him, one hundred percent, yet my gut tells me that it’s not going to be that simple. Why…? I don’t know. But I’m sure we’ll find out eventually.

“I’m not saying it is,brother, I’m just saying I can still taste her on my tongue and—Ow!” Enzo’s teasing words are cut short by Matteo smacking him upside the head once more, and I bite back the chuckle threatening to slip past my lips.

“That’s not a conversation for right now. We have a meeting to attend, and I don’t relish the idea of my cock being rock hard in my fucking pants the entire time,” Matteo grumbles. I hiss, adjusting my half-mast dick.

What is she doing to us?

“Let’s go,” I grumble before I get too locked on the thought of her. If I don’t focus on this damn meeting, I’ll be storming back into the bathroom and finding my release once more.

I practically charge for the door, swinging it open with unnecessary force, but my brothers don’t utter a word as they follow behind me. I pay no mind to the hallway at all as I punch the button for the elevator, thankful when it pings immediately and the doors slide open.

Stomping inside like a kid who lost his candy, I fold my arms over my chest and glare straight ahead, both Matteo and Enzo giving me a wide berth as they step into the elevator. The ride is passed in a comfortable silence as Enzo presses the button for the ground floor.

No small chit chat, no incessant need to fill a void, and no overwhelming urge to talk about some bullshit none of us actually care for.

The same silence continues as we avoid the main entrance to the hotel and take the back door the manager showed us when we first arrived. We prefer to be as discreet as possible, and one of the reasons we like The Ritz so much is for the simple fact they understand that.

We step outside toward a blacked out SUV, idly waiting for us, and a moment later, one of our men, Torres, slips from the driver seat and rounds the vehicle to open the door for us.

Matteo climbs in first, Enzo hot on his heels as I hold back, meeting Torres’s gaze as I tuck my hands into my pants pockets. “Any updates?” I ask, short and blunt, but anyone who works for us has come to expect nothing more than that from me anyway.

“Nothing, sir. Everyone has been accounted for this morning and they’ve had nothing out of the ordinary to report,” he explains. After the Russians didn’t show last night, I had every single one of our men planted throughout the city call in. If there was anything going on that we needed to know about, I was hoping they would pick up on it. But in this case, it seems I’ll have to ask the cunts outright myself.

I nod before climbing into the SUV with my brothers. They clearly heard the conversation but have nothing additional to add.

Torres takes off through the streets of New York like a mad man, or as mad as the traffic will allow him to be at this time of day.

Since they didn’t show last night, it was only fair to reschedule for a time that was on our terms rather than theirs. Even if the early start makes me grouchy in the process. The new location is one of their choosing—a nightclub they own on the other side of Manhattan called Ivan’s.

As we pass through the city, I stare blindly out the window, my mind replaying the taste of Ava’s plump tits in my mouth, remembering the groans as I sank my teeth into her flesh. Fuck. She liked it, almost as much as me, and I’m beyond ready to see her tonight and do it all again, only this time, with my cock buried deep in her pussy.

I’m immediately pulled from my thoughts the moment I see the neon sign for Ivan’s in the distance, any part of the yearning man inside me disappearing as I become the impenetrable, hard shell that is Vito De Luca.

It’s a mask I’ve perfected wearing. One I sometimes forget to slip out of because it’s become so natural to me. Matteo is the leader, stoic and calculated; Enzo, the playboy with a cheeky smile and a plan for success; while I’m the brutal, unforgiving scarred motherfucker that no one ever wants to get on the wrong side of, and I like it that way.

“Remember, no rash decisions,” Matteo mutters, his face now void of emotion as he adjusts the cuffs of his shirt, twisting the cufflinks so they sit perfectly as Torres opens the door for us.

As I step from the SUV, I stretch my back, rolling my shoulders. The bright green lighting of Ivan’s screams trashy to me, and the two doormen standing on either side of the glass entry tell every single person in eyesight that this is a Russian establishment.

We don’t guard so obviously as this; neither do the Irish or the entire world that is Featherstone either. Just the Russians, because presence is power to them.

I don’t acknowledge either of them as I step inside the building, the reality of the club with all of the lights turned on making it a lot less appealing than I’m sure it looks at night.
