Page 18 of Redemption

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Pursing my lips, I wait for her to respond, but instead her mouth falls open and closes a couple of times, yet nothing comes out.

I can feel Vito’s eyes glaring into the side of my head from his spot to my left, and I sense his desire to communicate with me. I have no idea what it is, or if I’m even right, but I offer the smallest of nods, trusting in his judgment no matter what as I continue to stare at Wren.

Fuck, that name suits her so much more than Ava.

“If you’re not going to run, Av—Wren, then your only other choice is to come with us.” My heart stills at Vito’s words. He’s taken this in an entirely different direction than I was expecting, and I most definitely regret giving him the signal to say something.

“No, she isn’t,” Luna blurts, interjecting in the mess tempting to swallow us whole.

The chair scrapes as she rises to her feet, and I can’t stop myself from glancing in her direction out of the corner of my eye as Roman holds her back.

Never one to be left out, Enzo’s chair scrapes across the floor just as quickly as the pounding of his fists on the table vibrates around the room. “It’s her, or a bullet through your brains. We said, an eye for an eye, which would you prefer?”

Wren’s eyebrows pinch together as I meet her gaze, at the exact same time Vito knocks the safety off his gun.

Finally. One of them wants to pull a weapon to help a brother out.


But I know in my gut that it’s not aimed at the one putting me in danger right now; it’s aimed across the table instead.

“I’d like to see you even try to put a fucking bullet anywhere near her.” That statement comes from a growly Oscar, and when I glance at him, I spy the dagger he’s twirling on the table top.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I try to remain calm amid the clusterfuck that’s unraveling before us. None of this was supposed to be happening. We’re completely off track and I need a moment to fucking think.

I’m ready to move, counter attack, or god knows what to get this over with, but before I can settle on my next step, I’m caught off-guard once more by Wren as she pulls the gun from my skull and drops it back into the oversized pocket on her blazer.

Surprised by the vulnerability in her move, my eyebrows rise to my hairline as she takes a step back. I assess her every move as she cracks her neck from side to side before squaring her shoulders.

“Let’s go.”

It's my turn for my brows to knit together as I twist my neck to follow her walking away from the group. Is she talking to us?

It’s almost fucking cute that she thinks she can give out orders, and the way no one fucking stops her only confirms that she’s used to being in charge. I almost scoff at the actual fact that she’s stepping away and I’m not raising my own gun at her.

Something is stopping me, but I don’t understand what.

The Featherstone men flick their gazes between us and Wren, while Luna stares at her with a hint of concern in her eyes as her hands clench on the table.

The muscles in my neck bunch as I follow her line of sight to find Wren standing by the door. Her stance is too fucking casual, too fucking intriguing, yet too fucking willing.

This doesn’t make sense. As if reading my thoughts, Wren shrugs her shoulders as she nods at the Featherstone members sitting across the table. “I promised redemption. This is it.”

Like that makes any sense to me or either of my brothers. “Didn’t you hear me? If you were the one to put the bullet in Totem, you’re not going to want to go anywhere with us.” My tone is almost bewildered as I stare her down, but her demeanor doesn’t change at all. Not even a twitch of her eye.

“I was dead under his rule and order. I’ve been sitting for the past six months, waiting for Luna to put the final nail in my coffin, but she didn’t. If you’re going to kill me, then do it. I’m already gone.”

My heart ricochets in my chest despite my better judgment. Her words give me more questions than answers, but none of that matters as Enzo strides toward her.

Vito follows suit, which leaves me no choice but to get in line. We operate as one. Always. Even if we don’t like it. I’ll have a lot to say later when it’s just the three of us.

“What’s happening?” Luna asks as I adjust the lapels of my blazer and head for the door. She just wants to hear it from our lips.

“Wren.” Her name is hot on my lips as she whips her head in my direction. “Tell Luna what’s happening. Where are we going?” How I’m able to keep my voice so calm is surprising, even to me, which is likely why my brothers are remaining quieter than I am, because they’ll reveal their hand quicker than I would.

Without missing a beat, Wren glances at the table, to whom in particular, I don’t know, since I don’t look away from her. Her gaze turns back to me before she speaks.

“Wherever you’re fucking taking me.”
