Page 19 of Redemption

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Istare blankly at the palms of my hands, repeating the past twenty-four hours over and over again in my mind as the De Luca brothers murmur among themselves like I’m not here.

It suits me fine. I need a minute, an hour, fuck, a whole week, to process this shit, but more than anything, I could really do with a shower so I can properly delve into my thoughts.

What kind of a woman agrees to leave with three brothers that run a fucking mafia? Not a sane one. But I’ve never claimed to be one. Not with my past. I wasn't born for a calm and easy life, and I don’t think I would survive one even if I tried it.

It’s been a little over nine hours since I walked out of the nightclub with the De Luca brothers, leaving Luna and Featherstone behind. As much as I’m questioning whether I made the right decision, the reality is that there wasn’t an alternative.

My thighs ache from my time with Vito earlier, my heart pounds with a mixture of fear and excitement, and my head aches from the very quick shift in dynamic between the four of us.

Lifting my head, I look out of the window as the engine continues to rumble. Land has come into view again after a long time looking at the ocean below, but seeing the building tops doesn’t offer me any reassurance.


Because I didn’t expect to be boarding a private jet immediately after leaving the restaurant. I sat silently as I watched Matteo make one single call, bark a handful of words in Italian, and put everything into motion.

I thought we would go back to their hotel or a property they own nearby in New York. I never imagined we would be flying halfway around the world to their home.


The wonder in that one word ripples through my veins. The heritage of the country has always intrigued me and has forever been on my bucket list. I just didn’t imagine going under these circumstances.

At least I’m not dead. Yet.

There’s time, I’m sure, and placing me on their home soil will likely make it a lot easier than dealing with Featherstone and the US legalities instead. The fuckers haven’t even bothered to take my loaded gun from me. My phone remains in my other pocket too.

It’s clear they know I’m not going anywhere, especially after hearing the truths I spilled earlier. I hate that I left myself so vulnerable, but it’s true. There’s nothing for me to fight for. The only thing keeping me alive was my redemption. Have I obtained it? Not likely, but did I start making progress? Sure.

I pulled a gun on a man who only brought me to the meeting so he could protect me.

Protect. Me.

Those two words have never been used in the same sentence as me. Ever. And when it finally did happen, I had to ruin it all by following my gut and proving to Luna that I’m not the worst bitch in existence.

A heavy sigh falls from my lips as I pinch the bridge of my nose. My thoughts are going around and around in circles and it’s driving me insane. I need to get off this damn plane and breathe in some fresh air.

Vito grunts from across the small cabin, drawing my attention to the three of them as they sit on the plush white leather seats. There are four chairs facing each other with a large table between them. Matteo and Enzo sit in my line of sight while Vito sits across from them with his back to me. Enzo has undone the top button of his shirt, Vito has lost his jacket altogether, and Matteo… looks as put together as he did when I had the barrel of my XD pressed against his head.

They haven’t uttered a single word to me since we stepped out onto the street in New York, which likely isn’t helping the insanity swarming in my mind. But if they were to speak, I’m not sure I’d appreciate what they’d have to say anyway.

I don’t want to see the disappointment on their faces, the surprise in their eyes, or the anger in their demeanor. As much as I may deserve it, I just can’t face it.

Which is frustrating as hell because I’ve known them for less than twenty-four hours. In that short span of time, I’ve climaxed between the three of them, slipped a tracker into their possession, and agreed to continue the rest of my stay with them while keeping my location a secret. Only to have Vito show up unannounced, nearly blowing my cover before fucking me into oblivion, followed by Matteo and Enzo’s arrival and the rest… is a total disaster.

“Do we need to cuff her?” The question comes from Enzo, a hint of teasing in his tone as my eyes lock with his. As much as there’s a lightness to his tone, the glare in his brown eyes is unmistakable.

I feel another two sets of eyes glance my way, and despite my better judgment, I look to both Matteo and Vito, who are glaring in my direction.

“Cuff her? She’s harmless and completely at our mercy. I don’t think that will be necessary,” Vito bites out, and his hands clench on the table before him as he shakes his head at me dismissively, which only makes me smirk in response.

It’s a natural response when someone underestimates me. As much as I enjoy this new, fresh feeling of being the underdog—something I never felt with the power moves my mother always played—I still manage to smother the smugness from my face.

I’m a bitch. A heartless, damaged, twisted bitch, and that’s never going to change.

“It’s cute that you think you’re strong enough to take us on,” Matteo states, drawing my attention toward him as he laces his fingers together on the table in front of him. I drag my eyes over every inch of him before I reply.
