Page 31 of Redemption

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There’s makeup sitting on the desktop now since Nonna insisted we organize it while we were at the store, but I’m in no mood to mess around with it. Knowing my mood, I’ll be jumping back into the shower in no time.

That thought plays in my mind as I glance at the hairdryer again, trying to decide if it’s actually worth doing, but despite my uncertainty, I reach for it. If anything, it will keep me busy for a little while at least.

Plugging the gadget in, I reach for the hairbrush and drag it through my ends, thankful that my center part is starting to form more naturally now since I’ve been training it into this style for what feels like an eternity.

As I reach for the hairdryer once more, I startle when the bedroom door swings open and Nonna stands in the open space. She’s still wearing her pretty summer dress from earlier. I have no idea what she’s looking for, and I don’t bother to ask, but whatever it is, she seemingly nods to herself before moving toward me.

She stops on the other side of the double bed, twirling something in her hands as she rolls her shoulders back and smiles gently. “I can sense you don’t want to talk right now, Dear, and that’s okay. I’m never going to push you to talk about anything or do anything that makes you uncomfortable,” she states, making me confused as hell as I remain rooted to the spot. “But, this is a twenty-minute warning that food is going to be done, and you bet your cute butt you’re coming out there to eat with me. Understand?”

This woman is somehow becoming my kryptonite because I find myself wanting to obey her, but I also remember who else lives here, who this home belongs to, and I wave my hand dismissively. “Thanks, Nonna, but—”

“No buts. They’re gone. It’ll just be the two of us. Those assholes can sort themselves out, they're not my problem tonight.” The truth is thick on her tongue and it makes me grin despite my uncertainty, and before I even realize it, I’m agreeing.

“Okay. Twenty minutes is enough time for me to sort my hair out.”

Her smile spreads wide as she throws the thing in her hand on the bed, before turning and heading for the door. I frown at whatever it is she just left, but it only takes me a split second to realize it’s a cellphone charger.

When I glance back up to thank her, she’s already gone, so I reach for the charger. The second it’s in my hands, I cringe a little. I don’t have anyone to call or text, to reach out to or ask for help. No one. And over the past six months since I left Featherstone, I’ve loved it. No constant presence from my parents monitoring and controlling my every move. No fake friends feeding me gossip I don’t care for, and no stresses from the academy life either.

The one thing I do want to charge my cell phone for is my latest obsession. Playing fucking Sudoku. I have the app hidden in my health and fitness folder so no one can see my guilty pleasure, but it keeps me going more than I care to admit.

Plugging in the cord beside the hairdryer, I quickly insert it into my phone and place it on the nightstand so it can charge, before focusing back on my hair again.

I feel calmer and more relaxed now that Nonna has stuck her head in to see me. I don’t know how she does it. I used to take my privacy very seriously and would have gone crazy if someone waltzed in like that, but not only did she just appear, her presence soothed me, too.

It’s insane.

Slightly bewildered by the whirlwind that is Nonna, I grab the handle of the hairdryer at the exact same time my cell phone screen lights up, showing notifications with Luna’s name written all over them.

This is another thing bothering me, and I don’t know how to handle it. I told her to leave it in the dust, yet here she is… continuing to push me despite everything I’ve done since we first met.

Now isn’t the time for me to go through those messages, otherwise I’ll be back in the shower and I’ll exceed the twenty minutes Nonna gave me. She might be here on the dot if I don’t make an appearance.

As if sensing my thoughts, the screen lights up again, but this time it’s an incoming call. I consider pretending I don’t see it, but Luna would keep hounding me if I don’t pick up.

Taking a deep breath, I reach for my cell, answering the call as I bring it to my ear. I don’t utter a word, but there’s no need because Luna calls out my name.

“Wren, are you there?”

“I’m here.” Her sigh of relief is apparent, and it only adds to my confusion. I don’t know how to handle someone reaching out to be… nice? Caring? Forgiving?

Shit, I don’t know what it is, but I don’t deserve any of it.

“Why has your cellphone been turned off?” I raise my eyebrows at her like she can see me but keep my silence. When she realizes I’m not going to indulge her, she sighs as I settle back on the bed with my back against the headboard.

“What were you calling for, Luna?” I ask, my tone bleak as I wait for her to reply.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay,” she says, like it’s really that simple, and it makes me shake my head in disbelief.

“I’m fine.”

My short and blunt response does little to dampen her mood. “Are they treating you well?”

After a quick survey of my surroundings and mental comparison of the things I’ve experienced prior to this, I realize I’m being treated far better than I deserve after the shit I pulled with the De Lucas. I don’t tell her any of that though, that would be showing vulnerability and weakness. “Does it matter?”

“She cares about your safety, Wren.”

Jessica Watson.I would know that voice anywhere.
