Page 51 of Redemption

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“Pushed what?” I take a step toward her slowly, wondering if she’ll become skittish, but to my surprise, she remains as she is.


It’s clear I’m going to have to be more specific if I actually want any information from her because she’s happy enough to give me the bare minimum, and I can’t stand it.

Taking another step, I keep my arms relaxed at my side in case her demeanor does change. “Is this what happens when people push you?”

A lifeless huff falls from her lips as she shakes her head. “When someone repeatedly threatens me and hints that they’re going to touch me with their mangy dick against my will, then yeah, this is what happens.” Her gaze lowers to him once more, no remorse flashing in her eyes or even a hint of sadness. Just like if it was me looking down at someone I killed, she has the same stance.

Before I can ask anything else, Enzo calls my name from somewhere in the house. “I’m in the gym,” I holler without hesitation as Wren lifts her gaze to mine. It’s like she’s trying to see into my soul, see if she can guess my next move, and I know that’s my fault more than hers. It’s been me pushing at her too, just not quite like Teto did.


Following the sound of my voice, Enzo and Vito appear in the doorway behind me a few moments later, a curse falling from Vito’s lips as they notice the scene before us.

“What the fuck happened in here?” The question comes from Enzo as they stand beside me. Vito to my left, Enzo to my right.

Wren shrugs, like it’s not her place to answer, and I immediately take the weight off her shoulders. “It’s fine,” I mumble, waving at the floor. “She’s more bothered about the carpet staining.” My words are dry, and I don’t miss the way a hint of surprise and mischief dances in Wren’s eyes as Vito glances between us.

“The carpet staining?” His words are said slowly as his brows knit in confusion.

“The what now?” Enzo’s voice is higher pitched than usual as he tries to wrap his head around my statement.

“My thoughts exactly,” I reply, making his jaw slack even more as he realizes I’m telling the truth.

Without missing a single beat, he cuts the distance between him and Wren, wrapping her in his arms as he pins her to his chest. She doesn’t lift her arms at first, frozen in place, before she slowly lifts her palms to his waist.

It almost makes me want to stab myself in the heart, the way it gallops at seeing her in this state. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before in my life, and I don’t fucking like it.

Watching my brother run his hands down her sides as he gets up close and personal with her drives me insane. For the first time in my life, I think I’m… jealous? I need a distraction from this. Now.

“Are you bleeding anywhere?”

Wren shakes her head at Enzo’s question. “Nowhere. It’s all his.”

Thank god for that.

I force my gaze to my left, looking at Vito, who is still staring aimlessly at Wren and Enzo in the center of the room, and I have to clear my throat to get his attention. When his eyes cut to mine, I can tell he’s mad that I’ve drawn his attention away, but I don’t give a shit.

“Call in the cleanup crew, Vito. They can take care of this.”

He offers a single nod in response as Wren’s voice cuts through the air. “I can take care of it.”

I know my brothers are glaring at her just as hard as I am as I shake my head tersely.

“Like fuck you are,” I grunt, folding my arms over my chest as she steps out of Enzo’s hold. Her gaze ping-pongs between the three of us.

“What are you even doing here?” Her question catches me by surprise at first.

“Uhh…” Enzo’s hesitation washes over me as I find his gaze aimed in my direction too, and I understand. She’s trying to distract us instead of dealing with the situation in front of us, and just this once, I’m willing to allow it.

“You recommended we shouldn’t go,” I murmur, attempting to be as soft as possible.

Wren’s nose scrunches up in confusion as she flicks her eyes over the three of us. “And?”

“And we didn’t go,” Vito explains with a shrug, his gruff voice bouncing off the walls around us as she pinches the bridge of her nose.

I can’t decide if she’s pissed or not, but thankfully, Enzo takes the lead, reaching out to squeeze her arm gently as he speaks. “We may be assholes,Bella, but we can have a civilized conversation between us. We know we need to lean on you right now, just like you need to lean on us.” His gaze drifts down to Teto, likely wanting to avoid the knowing look in her eyes, but it doesn’t come. If anything, there’s only more confusion there.
