Page 60 of Redemption

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I hope not, but the decisions weren’t mine alone, and I stand by them. My chest clenches, my heart pounding as the reality washes over me.I’m falling for them.

I don’t know how, I don’t know exactly when, but I sure as fuck know why. Admitting it, however, is not something I’m up to facing today, and sitting around here isn’t going to make me feel any better about the unknown hanging over my head.

Rolling my shoulders back, I drop the sheet from my body and swing my legs over the side of the bed. The instant ache between my thighs has me stifling a groan as my body tingles, remembering exactly where he touched me and the pleasure he brought along with it.

As I stand from the bed, I search around the room for my discarded clothes, but come up empty. There’s nothing at all except for a folded white shirt on the desk in the left corner of the room.

I might be confident in my skin, but I’m not leaving this room naked, so I reach for the crisp material before I slip my arms into the sleeves and slowly fasten each button. When there’s only the final two at the top left to do, I start moving toward the door, but startle when the adjoining bathroom door swings out, catching me off guard.

“Holy fuck,” I gasp, my spine stiffening as I watch steam billow from the room, followed moments later by Matteo with only a towel wrapped around his waist.


How did I not hear the shower running? This man has me lost in my head, combined with the dream that woke me, I was clearly more distracted than I would like to be.

Running my eyes over him, I don’t miss the small grin teasing the corner of his mouth as he appreciates me ogling him. I want to cut the distance between us and run my tongue over the scar down the right side of his mouth again, but I refrain as he interrupts my thoughts.

“I was supposed to be wearing that shirt today,Stellina.”

My thighs clench at the nickname that rolls off his tongue as I bite down on my bottom lip and look up at him through my lashes. “Do you want it back?” I offer, beginning to unbutton it again, but he shakes his head, his eyes heating despite his action.

“I can’t say it would look any better on me if you did.” A grin takes over my lips as he takes a step toward me. I feel awkward, unprepared for what his intentions are as he stops right in front of me, placing his hands on my hips until our chests are flush against one another. “Besides, we have a busy day ahead of us.”

“We do?” My hands lift to his chest, his skin still damp from the shower as he nods in response. “Are we going anywhere fun or exciting?”

There’s a hint of teasing in my tone because I know the likeliness is slim with the craziness going on around us, but the shrug he offers leaves me intrigued. “That depends on what we’re calling fun and exciting.”

Now I’m even more intrigued. “Enlighten me.”

With bated breath, I wait for him to respond. He hooks a loose tendril of hair behind my ear before cupping my chin and tilting my head back. “I want you to get dressed and eat, then I want you to show my brothers and I what it is you’re capable of.”

I stand frozen in place, completely surprised by his words, and apprehension tingles down my spine. “What I’m capable of?” I repeat, needing clarification as he nods.


Fuck. I love nothing more than proving I’m worthy, that I’m skilled, and that I know how to handle myself. If this was a date, I would be inclined to confirm this is my idea of fun, but he doesn’t need to know that.


He just needs to know I was born to do this.

“Lead the way.”

* * *

Standing in the gym with Enzo to my left and Vito on my right, I take in the space that consumed my yesterday. There’s no dead body, not a drop of blood or anything out of the ordinary. They have a good cleanup crew, that’s for sure.

I watch as Matteo walks over to the window, peering outside before he turns to face me with his arms folded over his chest. Each one of the De Luca brothers is dressed in a fitted black tee and a pair of black shorts. Gone are the suits and in their place are some hot-ass outfits that make them appear just as delectable.

Shaking my head, wanting to remain focused on what we’re doing here, I pat my hands on my legs as I speak. “So, what are we doing in here?”

Enzo runs his hand down my spine at the same time Vito clears his throat. My gaze drifts to his, and I hate that I can’t guess what he’s thinking. Things have changed a little with Matteo and Enzo, but Vito still has a wall placed between us, a wall I fucking hate and have no idea how to knock down.

“We’re not doing anything in here,” he states, making my eyebrows furrow.

“Why are we in here, then?”

Three breaths. It takes three breaths for Vito to exchange a look with Matteo, before cutting his eyes at me, still giving nothing away. “To see how you react to being in here again.”
