Page 76 of Redemption

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I glance down at Ethan, but he doesn’t even look away from his job. An unusual sense of pride and respect for him squeezes my chest tightly as I turn my gaze back to Wren. I clearly appreciate his actions, more than I care to admit, but—

“Before anyone fucking says it, I didn’t bury the motherfucker like I wanted to because this woman’s wrath is a force to be reckoned with. Something tells me you guys know what I’m talking about,” Ethan explains, interrupting my thoughts on the matter, and I snort at his assessment of her wrath.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Wren grumbles, making even Matteo splutter in surprise.

“Well, you told me you had it handled the first time, the fifth you admitted it was at the hands of your father, the ninth visit I learned who your father was, and I was willing to take that name to the grave, his fucking body along with it, but a tenth visit never came. Wren, I’ve never been more relieved not to see someone again.” The smirk on his face eases the tension in the air as she smiles back, pride in her posture as she sits tall.

“Theonlyperson putting that man in a grave was me.”

“And to think I wanted to kill you for it,” Matteo muses, making Ethan gape in horror at him, but Wren laughs, breaking any tension before it rises fully. The pair of them make me chuckle, which causes me to wince in pain.

“Shit, this is a great story time and all, but your man here needs my full attention if we plan to have him still with us by the time we land in Italy,” Ethan interjects, a solemn air drifting over us.

Nothing kills the room quite like a shot man dying out with nowhere to escape.

“Take care of him,” Wren murmurs, blindly finding my hand as she pleads with Ethan. “I need him in one piece.”



No organs were hit by the bullet. He's extremely lucky.

I could have cried with relief at Ethan’s words as he explained the situation. The medical facilities he was able to provide onboard the flight were astounding, and I will be eternally grateful to him and Featherstone for saving Enzo’s life.

Ethan was able to remove the bullet, clean the wound, and bandage him up before we landed, plying him with enough morphine to help him rest and numb the pain. Matteo didn’t hesitate in asking Ethan to stick around for a bit to provide Enzo with the care he needs at home, and that’s where we’re heading now.


Leaning into Enzo’s side, I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling his warmth against my body as he sleeps beside me in the SUV. When we landed at the airport, there were three SUVs waiting for us, a precautionary measure Vito ordered their men to take before we landed.

If I’m right, which I truly believe I am, then the Russians are here and there’s a battle to be had. So despite how tired I am, how drained and exhausted my aching bones are, all of that will have to wait. Especially with everything I asked Valentina to organize.

At this stage, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

I glance out of the window and spy the iron gates that offer entry to the De Luca family home, and I sit up straight, stretching out my muscles as the SUV takes the gravel driveway up to the house. Placing my hand on Enzo’s arm, I rub gently as I murmur his name.

His eyelashes flutter as he slowly wakes, and when he opens one eye to see me beside him, a smile graces his lips as a soft sigh escapes him.

“I love you, Wren.”

My heart practically stops before kicking into overdrive at those words on his tongue. My veins are filled with shock and confusion, making adrenaline course through my body. It’s like he’s triggered my fight or flight, but I remain as calm as possible.

“Tell me that again when you’re not drugged up on morphine, Enzo.” I force a tight smile to my face, struggling with my internal thoughts so much that my features react of their own accord.

I don’t know whether I’m elated or panicking; I’ve never been in this situation, but it feels like my heart is swelling inside my chest and it’s going to explode with a feeling I’ve never felt before.

Enzo’s hand lands on my thigh, squeezing until I turn my gaze to his, and when I do, I find him wide-eyed and looking at me with determination.

“I. Love. You. Wren.”

He repeats the words slowly, rawness and vulnerability flashing in his eyes as I gape at him, my heart skipping another beat as the SUV rolls to a stop outside the house.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I love you too, Enzo.” My pulse rings in my ears, my body tingling as I speak those three words I’ve never spoken before.

“You only think?” He quirks his brow at me as his lips curve up teasingly, and I shake my head at him as I feel my cheeks heat.

