Page 78 of Redemption

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She whips her head around with a smile as she nods eagerly. “I did, and I have to say, it was much more fun getting demands from you instead of my brother for a change.”

Matteo rolls his eyes at his sister's comment, and I grin. “It was the politeness, wasn’t it?” I reply with a chuckle as the house phone rings in the distance.

“I’ll get it,” Nonna hollers from the other room, and I take the moment to approach Enzo, wanting to be as close to my injured soldier as possible. I get two steps away from him before Vito grabs my waist and pulls me down into his lap.

I gasp as I fall into his hold, but when he wraps his arms around me, I sink further into him as Ethan checks over Enzo’s bandages methodically.

Nonna clears her throat from the doorway, and we all look to her in question.

“That was Luna on the phone,” she starts, glancing at Matteo before turning her full attention to me.

“And what did she say?” I ask, a hint of uncertainty washing over me as Nonna smiles.

“She asked me to tell you she’s about twenty minutes out, they’re trying every coffee shop on the way to find something called a caramel frappuccino because, and I quote, it’s as hot as a bitch in heat right now.” That definitely sounds like something Luna would say.

Relief washes over me. There’s a chance this is all going to fall into place, there’s a chance for vengeance. But one wrong move, and my whole house of cards will fall, and I refuse to let that happen. So I have to swallow my pride and do the one thing I never thought I would do, and that’s ask for help.

But not just anyone’s help.

Featherstone’s help.

Luna’s help.

It’s with great reluctance, I admit I can’t handle the situation on my own, but here we are. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to bring down the Russians to protect my guys.



Islowly wake from the darkness, unsure when I even closed my eyes, when I feel the heat of someone pressed against my back, engulfing me in their arms as my chest rises and falls rhythmically. This is something I could definitely get used to.

Blinking open my eyes, I release a heavy breath, noting I’m in my room at the De Luca estate. I don’t recall much after everyone left last night, but in my jet lag induced haze, I seem to have made it back to my room. Although, something tells me that the body pressed behind me had a hand in helping me.

When Luna arrived, I expected the boys to be with her, and all four of them were, Kai, Roman, Oscar, and Parker. Unexpectedly, Jess, West, Aiden, and Maverick were there too, along with Rafe and Bryce, Luna’s fathers, making an appearance to help.

The meeting was brief and to the point, and not held in the main house. Matteo refused, but they nodded along with our plan and agreed to play their part. It’s not for me, I’m aware of that, it’s for Featherstone, for their greater good, but if it allows me to help the men consuming my body, mind, and soul, then I’ll take it.

I blindly run my hands over the arms banded around my waist, and as I reach their wrists, I know instantly who it is. Only one De Luca has scarring like that.


I nestle further into his hold as the reality of today washes over me and the sunlight begins to peek through the closed curtains in my room.

Today is the day we either triumph against the Russians or become another bug they’ve squashed beneath their feet.


No pressure then.

I’m not nervous about what I’ve set in motion, I never am, but this is the first time that my plans will directly impact others around me. I want this to go right. Ineedthis to go right, but more than anything, I feel likethisis my redemption for the De Lucas.

Then I’m done with all of this.

I can’t offer another fucking soul redemption, except myself.

For the bitch I was, for the things I put Luna through, shit, everyone at Featherstone through; I can’t right every wrong. Especially the wrongs of my father.

A squeak falls from my mouth as the arms at my waist move quickly, allowing Vito to spin me so I’m facing him. My head is encased into the crook of his arm as I look up at him with tired eyes. His own are just as blotchy as he offers me a tired smile and squeezes me to his side.
