Page 8 of Redemption

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As the water heats, I observe my frame in the full-length wall mirror. My platinum blonde hair barely grazes my collarbone, making it difficult to do anything with, including piling it on top of my head like I’d grown accustomed to.

My arms are leaner and more muscular than they used to be, my exercise and training routine getting me through most days. I’m a far cry from the girl I’d been at Featherstone Academy. I participated in the necessary classes there, like Combat, because I was required to, but now… now I actually enjoy it. The burn, the power, the physical contact. All of it.

Yet another thing Ihaveto be grateful to Luna for, or her father, Rafe, I guess. It’s his gym I’m allowed to sneak into at night.

Shaking my head, I strip out of my tank top and shorts, discarding them at my feet before slipping into the shower. The bathroom isn’t huge, but the white tiles make it less dingy since there are no windows in here.

The moment the water hits my skin, I tilt my head back, my body sagging with relief beneath the power of the spray. I stand stock-still for a few minutes as the water cascades over my body before I finally relent, letting my mind drift to last night.

Matteo. Vito. Enzo.

The De Luca brothers.

The whole reason I’m here, my attempt at fucking redemption, yet they have the ability to get under my skin. Corrupt me.

When Luna explained why I needed to plant a tracker on them, I ran through every scenario I have been taught at the academy. I was literally trained to infiltrate, corrupt, embezzle, everything. You name it, I mastered it.

My whole plan was to blend in at the club, my outfit doing most of the work, and possibly get a chance to flirt with them. I had two trackers on me: one on the sole of my shoe, ready for me to pass on if needed, and the other in the form of a business card with my details on it.

If I’d gotten nowhere last night, I would have tried another approach today. That had been the plan at least. But I didn’t factortheminto it at all.

Not one single bit.

And that was a complete rookie mistake on my end.

No one can prepare you for three hot brothers, each with the same mysterious brown eyes, a roiling storm brewing behind them, yet each of them bringing something different to the table.

Matteo is clearly the oldest, and their leader. It’s visible in his eyes when he’s looking at you, trying to break down how he can get into your mind and under your skin. I can’t imagine it being too different when he meets his enemies. Everything is a puzzle, one of great importance, and something tells me he never loses.

With his cropped hair, scarred neck, and sharp jaw, Vito screams enforcer. If anyone is going to hit flesh with flesh, it’s him. He moved with purpose, experience, and determination. Even when he gripped my chin and claimed my mouth, I felt the power behind him, and I fucking loved it.

Enzo. The youngest, the one with the softest eyes, mischievous grin, and calculating brain. He has an ability to knock you off guard, to make you forget who it is you’re actually dealing with, and that’s a strong fucking trait to begin with. His calm aura hides the mafia monster who lives behind the curtain, one I’m sure has made an appearance or two in his lifetime, but doesn’t show up as often as his brothers’ monsters.

The De Luca family, all the way from grand old Italy. I know why they’re here. Even before Luna caught me up to speed on everything, I knew. They’re here for answers. For an explanation as to why they haven’t received everything my father promised them. I’m sure they’re aware of his death, but that means nothing to men like them. Once something is promised, in their mind, it’s theirs already.


The water drenches my hair, and I swipe my hands down my face, clearing the water droplets with the motion.

This is all such a fucking mess. I shouldn’t have let things go so far last night, but I was a prisoner to my own body. It was never part of the plan, but a few seconds in their presence and I was a melting pool of desire and need.

It was uncontrollable.

It was passionate.

It was everything I didn’t know I needed.

I haven’t felt so alive in a long time, not since I put a bullet into my father’s body, ridding the world of his evil. But even before then, I was never truly living.

Reaching for the shampoo to wash my hair, I silently contemplate how I can move forward with the plan now. I made things complicated last night, and if Luna’s eyes are half as good as I imagine they were in the club, she knows it too. But fuck, I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

The reality is that the presence of these men is unpredictable, and I need to get better control of myself before I fall headfirst into them. Which won’t end well for anyone, especially me.

I have to take each day as it comes, work my ass off, and hopefully get the fuck out of here before the shit hits the fan. If I get to have a little fun along the way, then lucky me, but that’s all this is. Fun.

With my new mindset firmly in place, I reach for the shower gel and wash my body, the lemony scent filling the space around me as I rinse clean. Switching the water off, I step out of the shower and reach for a gray towel, wrapping it around my body before grabbing a smaller one to pat my hair with.

The mirror is fogged up, steam billowing around me as I open the door and make my way into the bedroom. The instant change in the temperature sends a shiver down my spine, but I still cut the distance to my nightstand, grabbing the controller for the AC and flicking it on high. The noise of the machine kicking into action makes a small smile tilt my lips as my cell chimes beside me.
