Page 49 of Ruthless Rage

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“Some of the things Kincaid said, mixed with what you said last night, makes me wonder…” His words trail off as though he’s trying to carefully find the right ones, but the tightening in my chest and the thundering of my heartbeat has already begun. I have to act quickly if I want him to shut the fuck up, and I do. I really do. This is way too heavy for me when I’ve only just opened my eyes.

Reaching my hand up, I grip his neck, considering whether he’ll stop if I press my lips to his right now. But as I inch closer, something else catches my attention.

“Did someone bite the bottom of your fucking ear off?” The words spill from my lips before I can formulate an actual sentence, and I cringe at myself, but to my surprise, Gray grins proudly beside me.

How did I not notice this before?

“Yes, yes, they did.”

With wide eyes, I tilt my head around so I can look to Emmett for confirmation, and he lazily nods at me.

“How the fuck did that even happen?” The second I ask, I know I have him distracted, but it doesn’t ease the tension that’s already risen inside of me.

“You’ve started it now, Scarlett,” Emmett grumbles from behind me, running his nose up the length of my throat as I shiver in his hold.

“Shush, our girl wants to know, so I have to tell her,” Gray retorts with an eye roll, and I smirk.

“You don’t, you really fucking don’t,” Emmett mutters, his lips against my skin, and I bite back a moan. Gray leans forward, kissing my lips for the briefest second, heat in his eyes as Emmett caresses me.

I’m more than happy for us all to be distracted for the moment, but Gray continues with his story, “So, I was selected to represent the Ruthless Brothers in an underground fight.” Emmett clears his throat, making Gray sigh. “Fine, we were all pitted against another club, but I went out there guns blazing metaphorically, flashing these bad boys.” He flexes his biceps as he wiggles his eyebrows and I giggle at his antics. “Anyway, I KO'd that motherfucker in the second round. It would have been sooner, but Axel made me promise to drag it out a little bit, put on a show for the crowd and all that.”

“So the opponent bit your ear?” I ask, eyes wide at the enthusiasm coming from him, but he shakes his head.

“No, it happened after that.”

“He just wanted to make sure you knew how good he was with his hands, Scar,” Emmett breathes against my ear just as Gray trails a hand down my arm.


It definitely doesn’t help that I can feel Emmett’s cock swelling behind me too. They’re leaving me dizzy as I struggle to remain focused on Gray’s story.

“Afterward, we were in the bar area and some girl leaned in close to whisper in my ear.”

I gasp, unsure whether it’s annoyance over the mention of another woman or the fact in general.

“A fucking girl did that?”Show me the bitch right now and I will slaughter her with my bare fucking hands.

“Would you stop interrupting?” The pointed look he offers makes me slam my lips shut. He still rolls his eyes at me like he expects me to interrupt again, but now I’m way too conscious of it so it won’t happen again.

“Then get to the point, asshole,” Emmett says from behind me, and I have to sink my teeth into my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing.

Gray’s stare quickly turns to a glare at Emmett, before his eyes become animated once more. “Just as her lips pressed against my skin, some fucking savage swiped at my other ear.”

What the fuck?


The smirk growing on his lips gives me the sense that I’m about to be either shocked or pissed at what he’s about to say next.

“It was Axel.”

“Axel,” I repeat with a frown tainting my forehead, and he nods in confirmation. “Why the fuck would he do that?”

“I think he was mad about the fact that I didn’t listen to him. When he said to last more than the first round, he didn’t mean I should K.O. my opponent within the first three breaths of the second round.”

How is he okay about this? The whole bottom half of his earlobe is just… gone.

“How the hell are you still friends with him?”
