Page 86 of Ruthless Rage

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Indecision wars inside of me over whether or not I can escape with my bike. My heart says yes, but my mind says hell fucking no.

If I want to take my Harley with me, I’m going to need some kind of miracle. Not only would there need to be a distraction to clear the two Ruthless Brothers by the gates, but I’d need someone else to help open them so I could slip through with my bike.

There’s potential, it could work if I went and found Emily, but I never would. Not only would that take too long, I would never put the weight of that on her shoulders. Especially not when she eventually found out who I was and what I had done.

Despite all of that, I need to see my bike one last time, before I figure out how to slip past the members on guard. With my heart racing, I take silent footsteps as I make my way across to the garage, before leaning my back against the side of that building.

I need to leave without anyone noticing.

I spy a small bush to my right and quickly tuck my bag in there. This way, I’ll be able to sneak in and out without anything to worry about, before making my grand escape.

I take a deep breath, rolling my shoulders back before I turn toward the garage door. The shutters on the main openings are locked down today, but the usual door is slightly ajar. Perfect.

Moving the final few steps, I catch a scream in my throat as someone wraps their arms around my waist and lifts me off the ground.

No. No. No. Fuck, no.

My heart squeezes in my chest as my fight or flight kicks in, and I lean my head forward, ready to headbutt whoever the fuck has a hold on me, when Emmett comes to stand in front of me with a wide smile on his face.

I freeze despite myself, until Ryker says in my ear, “What are you doing out here, trouble?”

It takes me a second to catch my breath, and it’s only when he places me back on my own two feet that I finally manage it. “I, uh, I wanted to see my bike.”

Not a lie. Not the entire truth, but… still.

“Then why are you creeping?” Emmett asks as Ryker moves to stand beside him. It’s not giving me interrogation vibes, but the confusion in their eyes is clear.

They don’t know. They definitely don’t fucking know, but that will change, especially if I stay.

Clearing my throat, I glance toward the door before looking back at each of them, opting to go with another truth. “I wasn’t allowed to see my Harley unless I was given permission when I was at the Reapers’. It’s something they held over me, used as a weapon to keep me in line.”

“What the fuck?” Ryker’s eyes darken as he scrubs a hand over his chin. “If we hadn’t already slaughtered them, we would now.”

It’s my turn to be overwhelmed as Emmett nods along with him. I offer them both a tight smile as he moves to my side and drapes his arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go see your Harley,” he murmurs, before kissing my temple, and I almost melt into a puddle beside him.

I can’t deal with this. I can’t deal with the reality of them being so close, but only for a limited amount of time now. The clock is ticking.

Stepping out of his hold, I keep my head down as I move toward the door, but as my hand wraps around the handle, I hear voices inside and it makes me pause.

“You need to get help with the drugs, Ax. You’re tearing at those who care about you. I know that’s selfish as shit to say, but I need you to see the pain you’re causing.”

“Pain is all I know, Gray.”

“We know that, we fucking do. But you either need to let us help you or find a professional who can, because you can’t go on like this.”

“I thought we were coming out here to suck dick, Gray, not hash out my fucking trauma.”

“Fuck, Ax. I’m not sucking any dick until I have a fucking conversation with Scarlett. She’s important to me. I don’t know the how or why, but it’s real, and until she knows who I truly am, I don’t want to lie to her.”

Emmett and Ryker aren’t surprised; they’re just staring at me like they’re waiting for me to explode. With what… anger?

My gut is clenched tight with the fact that Gray admitted I’m important to him, but I swallow it down as I push the door open and step into the garage. Emmett and Ryker are hot on my heels, likely worried about what’s going to unfold as Gray and Axel both turn to us in surprise.

“You weren’t joking the other day.” My heart gallops in my chest, my body heating from the memory, as Gray’s eyes go wide, and Axel grunts.

“I don’t fucking lie.”

My mouth dries, words betraying me for a hot minute, before I finally speak again. “That’s hot as fuck.”
