Page 122 of Dark & Beastly Fae

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I looked… good.


Strong, too.

The dress was cut perfectly to the shape of my body, with sections missing from the sides to show off my figure. The thin, soft sleeves hung off my shoulders and over my arms, and the part over my breasts was heart-shaped, emphasizing the weight of them.

“Veil,” I whispered. Slowly, I lifted my eyes to meet Kierden’s in the mirror. He wasn’t looking at my face when I did, though. “What do you think?”

“It would look a damn lot better on the ground, with you bent over our bed,” he said.

My lips stretched in a wide grin, my fresh scanties already damp thanks to the heat of the eclipse. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should.”

My gaze dipped to his shorts. More accurately, to the fabric tented at the front of them.

My body warmed. “It’s been a few days since we’ve had sex.”

“Believe me, I know.” The low tone of his voice made me hotter.

I grinned and tugged my dress back over my head. As I did so, my gaze caught on the handprint around my wrist.

My eyes widened as I finally gave it the attention it deserved.

The damn thing glowed, and it glowed brightly.

“Let me see your hand,” I told him, tugging it out of his pocket without waiting for him to give it to me, and then staring down at the glow in wonder. “Damn.”

“Miraculous, isn’t it?”

“It’s beautiful,” I admitted—and then nearly choked on my own damn spit when he sent me a mental image of his glowing hand between my thighs as he pinned me to our bed and toyed with my clit.

Heat flushed my cheeks when the mental image progressed into a full-on fantasy of us having sex, his hand glowing against my body while we moved.

The eclipse must’ve been going for a while, if he was already fantasizing about me.

Then again, we’d been having alotof sex before we both nearly died, so he could’ve just been horny.

He hooked his fingers in the waistband of my scanties and used them to tug me closer. My chest met his, and his lips curved upward. “The suns haven’t even overlapped yet, little human—and the eclipse affects fae far more than humans. The wetness between your thighs is just the beginning.”

Well damn, I liked the sound of that.

“So should we hold off as long as possible?” I checked.

He dipped his fingers deeper into my scanties, and my body arched as he dragged them lightly over my clit.

Veil, that was more intense than it should’ve been.

His gaze met mine, and there was a challenge in it. “I’d prefer to get an early start.”

“Itisour first eclipse together. We should make it count.”

“Precisely,” he rubbed my clit again, his touch still light. I leaned against him, my eyes closing as I grabbed his arms and held on. My body was far more reactive than usual—and it was always reactive for him.

“Veil,” I whispered, my breaths coming out rapidly as I already neared the edge of my first climax.

Kierden slid a finger inside me, and I cried out, so damn close to losing it. His finger went still though, and his hand held my hips securely to stop me from using his hand.
