Page 28 of Naga's Ova

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I drop to the floor with a gasp, and Slyth throws me a towel to wipe the sweat off my face.

You’ve learned something. But not enough to protect you from Vippera.

I ask Slyth a question that has been bothering me. “Do you think that the Prince will actually go through with the marriage to Vippera?”

But before Slyth can answer, a voice calls out behind us.

“Why? Are you planning on staking a claim?”



Istroll through the gardens, making way for the manor up ahead. It’s a safe space away from Vippera, a place where Aurora can get in some valuable practice hidden from prying eyes.

Entering the building, I follow the sounds of panting and exertion as they echo through the corridors. It’s clear to me already that she’s putting in the work she needs to put Vippera down.

Mumblings of Slyth’s voice mixed with hers grow louder as I draw nearer to the training room. I peek my head around the corner, watching as a blast of magic is sent flying across the room in a flurry. It hits broad of its target but has the force needed to do some serious damage.

Must be easy to conjure strength when your life is under threat.

I lean in the doorframe, simply watching as Aurora casts her spells over and over again, her ears perking as she listens to the criticisms of Slyth. Her remarks and curiosity about me come as a pleasant surprise.

She seems to take an interest in me.

I can’t deny how nice it feels to be wanted, especially by someone who isn’t trying to take your life away. Hell, part of me wants to agree with Aurora, feeling the same way about her as she seemingly does about me, but I cannot afford to let her know that.

Still, the opportunity to have a bit of fun arises, and it’s a chance I cannot pass up. When I hear her ask if I will go through with the marriage, I can’t resist poking a little fun at her.

“Why?” I call out, causing Aurora and Slyth to spin around. “Are you looking to stake your own claim?”

Aurora’s complexion immediately turns red as she covers her mouth, gasping in shock. Slyth and I smile at each other, our amusement quickly turning into a laugh at the unfortunate expense of our human companion.

As I laugh, I take sudden notice of just how beautiful Aurora looks in the moment, her hair swept to the side through the strains of exercise and her skin glistening with sweat.

By the gods… I’ve never seen anyone look that good when embarrassed. I wonder what else I can do to make her blush this way.

“Zalith, hi!” she greets, her cheeks crimson red.l

I wave and step forth into the room.

“How is the training going?” I ask.

“Our friend here is getting better,” says Slyth. “However, she still needs some work.”

“So I see. Magic isn’t an easy thing to grasp, especially when it comes more naturally to us than it does to a human.”

“If Rory keeps at her current pace then she’ll improve in no time.”


“Very well. Slyth, I’ll take over from here.”

“Will do.”

Slyth bows to me and departs. As he walks by me, I wonder about why he used the name ‘Rory’.

Perhaps it’s a sign of trust from Aurora. That can only be a good thing. She needs to know we can be trusted.
