Page 63 of Naga's Ova

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This has to work,I think to myself.Otherwise, we’re as good as dead, and there’ll be no hope left for Lodra.

Beneath me, I feel the ticklish sensation of tendrils emerge from the soles of my feet. They silently penetrate the earth below us, digging through grass, mud, and soil. The spell causes me to tremble ever so slightly.

Luckily, a breeze constantly rings through the air, allowing me to play it off as being cold. I delve deeper into myself, commanding the tendrils to follow my visualizations. I manifest them to travel through the earth back in the direction of the castle.

I have no clue how Vippera managed to kidnap the King and Queen, but by now it’s certain that their army has noticed their absence. Vippera is no doubt a crafty villain but surely not even she has the ability to convince an entire battalion not to be worried about their rulers disappearing, especially given the fact she’s an entity from a foreign region.

The magic strains on my body harder but I remain steadfast and determined as the tendrils speed to Lodra’s palace. I push out the voice of doubt from my head trying to tell me it’s worthless, that all I’ve managed to do is walk us to our deaths.

I have no other choice.

The sensation of a rush of air hits my feet, a surefire sign that the tendrils have broken through into the castle grounds. I then cast a tracing spell through the tendrils in the hopes of having them act as a beacon to our location.

I’ve no way of knowing if anyone even sees the tendrils. All I can do is increase the power of my magic and pray for the best. As I continue casting magic, I watch as Vippera summons Zalith to the center of the village.

He trudges towards her, stopping near his parents.

“Son, we’re so sorry,” says Shradga with regret.

“No, none of this is your fault.”

Where is my father?

I look towards the group of rounded villagers, scanning the faces of familiar friends until a pair of compassionate eyes meet mine. My heart jumps at the sight of my father, his eyes beaming with delight to see I’m okay.

His forehead is contorted with lines of worry, and there is a gash on his temple, seemingly from the result of being struck. Through his concern, he still smiles, mouthing my name.

Every part of me wishes to rush to his side. A tear escapes from my eyes, running down my cheek and falling onto the ground below.

The second it absorbs into the soil, I feel the power of my magic intensifies tenfold. My father subtly nods, the love on his face so readily apparent.

“Alright, enough chit-chat,” groans Vippera. “For too long, I’ve been denied what I came here for. Zalith, listen to me and listen well.”

Zalith turns his attention toward her. He sighs, rolling his eyes before drawing himself up.

“Say your piece and be quick with it!”

“How generous of you,” she chortles.

In a swift move, she draws a sword and comes inches close to the throats of his parents.

“Stop!” he snaps.

“Do I have your attention now?”

“Leave them be, I’ll do anything you want.”

“That’s more like it. Here’s what’s going to happen Zalith. You and I are going to marry right here, right now.”

Not quite the venue anyone was expecting.

“Your parents will officiate the ceremony while we say our vows. Should you refuse then everyone here will be slain, starting with King and Queen Andakya.”

Zalith’s pupils subtly move to meet mine. They narrow at me mumbling to myself, but a quick nod from me seems to reassure him that I’m working on something. Vippera catches sight of him looking at me, bursting into laughter at the sight of me trembling.

“Ha! The human whore is shaking with fear.”

Her men, alongside King Tikzorcu erupt into a chorus of laughter.
