Page 70 of Naga's Ova

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His job title was still classified as a servant but I’ve been meaning to promote him. With tonight being the coronation for Rory, I figure it’ll also be a good opportunity for me to announce Slyth’s new position.

“Darling,” I call to my wife. “Come here for a moment, I have big news.”

She approaches with a curious look. I take her hands in mine.

“So it turns out that tonight actually has a purpose other than getting shit-faced.”

“What might that be then?” she laughs.

“Well… Every Prince needs his Princess.”

Her face drops in disbelief.


“Yep. Tonight will mark your official coronation as Princess of Lodra.”

“You’re kidding!” she says, covering her mouth in shock.

“I’m a hundred percent serious!” I chuckle. “I knew this was going to happen sooner or later but I forgot with all these parties going on.”

“I can’t believe it,” she remarks, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “What’s going to happen?”

“A declaration will be made by the King and Queen to announce your ascension. I’ll likely say a few words, then you’ll be invited to say something of your own, usually a promise to tend to the people of Lodra.”

“This is…”

“I know it’s a lot all at once, but I’ll be right there with you. Plus, now you’ll literally be my princess.”

She laughs, pulling me in for a reassuring hug. I know she’s ready to take on the role, and I couldn’t think of a better person for the position.

* * *

The hundred-metermain hall of the castle is filled to the brim with guests. The King and Queen have made sure to invite humans along to the ceremony so that all can witness what’ll be a historic evening. Some naga converse with them while others turn their noses, but there’s no drama being caused.

Round tables run along the sides, half of them filled with a wide selection of foods both raw and cooked, the other filled with alcohol of various kinds. The space in the middle is dedicated to a dance floor of sorts, some guests already stealing the show as Rory and I linger nearby.

Four magnificent chandeliers hang down from the ceiling, each evenly spaced apart. On them are six lights arranged in a circular formation. Complementing them are lit sconces running parallel on the wall. At the top of the hall waves the flag of Lodra, red and black displayed in all of its glory.

Assembled in a trio is Slyth, Rory, and I as we mingle amongst the guests.

“Never thought I’d see the day a human would become a princess of the naga, but I’m here for it,” says Slyth, raising his glass.

“Cheers to us!” we all say, clinking our glasses together.

“Quite the ride we’ve all had together,” laughs Rory.

“Indeed,” I reply. “Things were admittedly a little boring around here when it was just Slyth and I. Once you came into the picture, things really spiced up.”

“Glad to hear I could be of service,” she chuckles. “Oh! Here comes my father!”

We turn to spot William making his approach, Slyth and I bowing to him as he returns the gesture.

“Sir, it is a pleasure to have you here this evening!” greets Slyth.

“Thank you for hosting me, I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” replies William before turning to face his daughter. “Come here you!”

They wrap each other in a loving hug.
