Page 8 of Naga's Ova

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For a second, as we leave the village, the urge to unleash my magic on all of the naga is overwhelming.

Don’t be an idiot. You aren’t trained, and they will kill you for it. They will probably torture you before they kill you.

I know my father is thinking the same thing. He is probably hoping that I won’t do anything stupid.

Tears trail down my face and waves of grief and frustration wash over me. Grief because I have just lost everything I have ever held dear, and frustration because I never trained to use my magic.

After a while, we’re transferred to a wagon.

When I look around me, I see that Hannah, the woman who pleaded with King Shradga to save us, is also in the back of the wagon with me.

There are several teenagers, too. They are closer to adolescence than adulthood, and my heart sinks at the thought of the young girls who are with me in the wagon.

I start praying silently, and Hannah reaches over and grabs my hand.

We had no religion in our little human village in Lodra. Over the years, we absorbed the beliefs of the naga. I do not want to pray to their Gods and Goddesses, but I don’t know anyone else.

I pray to Oella, the Goddess of Order and Justice.

Please,I say the prayer in my mind.Please, this is not right. This is not just. This is not fair. Please save us! Save me!

Instantly, there’s a skirmish outside of the wagon. It seems as though Oella, impossibly, has answered my prayers. But the fury dies down. It is only Prince Zalith, likely throwing some sort of spoiled royal tantrum. The wagon resumes its journey, and the Prince storms off.

What was that about?

After an hour or two – I lose track of time after a while – I see that we are arriving in Jalma.

I cannot help but think of Prince Zalith and the way he got between me and the naga.

I also remember the skirmish outside the wagon before we left for Jalma.

But I can’t think about it for too long, because right now I am certain that I am headed towards certain doom.



Why can’t I get her out of my head?

The human village is crude to say the least. But then again, all I am used to is the beauty and finery of the palace, which is quite plain compared to the buildings in the rest of Protheka.

There is also not much left of the village. The naga army from Jalma who rushed into Lodra land destroyed most of the buildings and gardens in the village.

The only buildings that are still standing are at the back of the village. Those buildings are larger and look more like storerooms or workrooms.

I suppose that that is exactly what they are,I think to myself idly as I try to keep my attention from turning back to her.

Why can’t I get her out of my head?

The question haunts me. All I can think about is the moment I saw her when we arrived to see what the Jalma army was doing.

She is a human woman, and the first thing I saw about her was the way she threw herself between a human child and the spear of one of the Jalma naga.

The thought of that naga piercing the spear through her body filled me with so much rage that I immediately got between the two of them and dragged the naga off her.

I barely gave her a second look, but in reality, I had to force myself to look away.

I have never found human women particularly attractive. They’rehuman,after all. But this human woman, this courageous human woman, with her bright blonde hair and eyes like gemstones, is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
