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I see what she’s saying. “I obviously did not need that much time. I know Heath isn’t Nick.”

“He isn’t, and he knows what he wants. I hope you give him a chance because I think the two of you could be very special together,” Lydia tells me.

I hesitate because I don’t know how I’ll feel if she can’t give me the answer I want. And then I realize it doesn’t matter. I don’t need some mystical force in the universe to tell me how I feel about Heath. I don’t need to wait three weeks and let a computer program tell me how I should feel about the man I’ve come to love. But it could be a fun story to tell later. “You said you could feel it. When a couple is really right for each other, you told me you can feel it. Do you feel that spark with me and Heath?”

Her gaze is steady on mine. “The minute you walked into my apartment. I felt it. I know it deep in my heart, even if the two of you aren’t perfect on paper because one of you hasn’t figured yourself out yet.”

That would be me. I’d filled out those worksheets without really considering what I truly want. “I think I might have overemphasized work on my questionnaires. I might go back and look at them with a different perspective now. I think I was trying to be the person I thought I should be. The warrior boss bitch.”

“Oh, my darling, you are a warrior and you are a boss, but there is nothing bitchy about you,” she says. “I know Heath made that ridiculous bet with you about Emma pairing you up, but you don’t need her. You know.”

“My intentions toward your grandson are entirely honorable,” I vow. “I’m hoping to have a long, happy relationship with him. And I promise to stay off your couch from now on.”

Lydia stands and smiles down at me. “Don’t you dare. Heath’s father was conceived on that couch. Once I let my Gabe in, he was all in, if you know what I mean. Every room of this house.”

“I’m never telling Heath that.” I will protect him from that knowledge until the day I die.

She laughs, a light sound that makes me happy. “Well, I’m glad we had this talk. Now come along because your army is assembling right now. I hope I have enough food. When they told me they were coming by this evening, I made a big batch of sauce. I’ve got to get the pasta going. If I understand correctly, CeCe won’t actually eat anything, but Darnell will make up for her. The boy can eat.”

She walks out the door and I hurry to follow her. “What’s going on? What do you mean by army?”

When I reach the living room I have my answer. It’s full of people. My mom and CeCe, who has already foisted Lady Buttercup off on Ye Joon, who does not look like a dog person. Harper and Anika are talking to Darnell, who’s sitting by Heath.

CeCe has brought her own bartender. Thomas has taken up a place at Lydia’s bar, and it looks like she brought her own gin. And glasses. I recognize the Tiffany martini glassware from her home bar.

And Mom is drinking one, too.

What fresh hellscape is this?

Heath stands and makes his way to me, slinging an arm around my shoulders. He leans down and whispers in my ear. “If you leave, you better take me with you. I will never forgive you if you leave me alone with your mom and CeCe. They seem very cozy now. It scares me.”

Hell has frozen over. The apocalypse is upon us. It’s the only explanation.

CeCe looks up and sees me. “Darling, your mother, Lydia, and I have come up with a plan.”

“A plan?” I am equal parts fascinated and terrified. “A plan for what?”

“To save you, of course,” Lydia says, as though I should have known the answer to that question all along.

“And to totally fuck over that dirtbag, Nick,” my mom adds, raising her glass.

Anika nods. “That’s the content I’m here for.”

Darnell sits back. “I’m here for the food and the drama.”

It looks like my army has my back. I lean into Heath. “I think we’re going to stay, babe. It’s time to take a stand.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

“So the plan is to catch him doing something illegal.” I’m glad I have a big plate of pasta in front of me. It’s soothing, and Lydia’s meatballs are to die for. I need some comfort because so far the moms’ plan isn’t working out in my head.

“You know he’s dirty,” my mom announces. She seems far more animated than I’ve seen her in forever, as though spending time with the enemy invigorated her. She digs into her food and seems to actually enjoy it.
