Page 136 of Janessa

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“Not everyone. I talked to your dad, of course, and I said he could tell your mom. I also spoke with Jay.”

“With Jay?” She tipped her head back to look up at him. “Why?”

“I figured that he represented your mom and dad,” he said. “Your birth parents. I know he’s my best friend, but I wanted his blessing as your brother.”

Will’s thoughtfulness touched her. “Thank you for doing that. I’m sure he appreciated that as much as I do.”

Standing in the circle of Will’s arms, Janessa was so thankful that God had given her the strength and the support of those around her to overcome most of the fear that had previously paralyzed her. Though she still had work to do, the progress she’d made so far allowed her to just exist in that moment, enjoying the hugely significant event in her and Will’s lives.

It gave her the drive and desire to continue to do the hard work to make sure that fear never gained a firm foothold in her relationship with Will. God would want them to love each other without fear and honor Him in their relationship, and she knew that was what she and Will wanted as well.

And she couldn’t wait for what was to come now that they’d begun a new chapter in their lives together.

~*~ The End ~*~
