Page 85 of Collateral Damage

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“I’m okay,” Sky whispered, grateful for his sensitivity to her concern.

“You sure? There’s lots of ways to please you.” He saw the hesitation in her eyes, sensed her concern. “Tell you what,” Cal murmured, placing a lingering kiss against her slender neck, “let’s put you on top tonight? That way, you can decide how much or how little of me you want?” Cal saw the relief come to her large, glistening eyes. Sky had grown up in a family where silence, where never asking questions, kept her from getting hit or yelled at. It wasn’t easy for her to suddenly open up and talk to him. It was an ongoing process, and one Cal was sure Sky would improve at over time. For now, he had to watch Sky for subtle signs, slight expressions, or intuitive signals. He was more than grateful to his SEAL training for putting him in touch with that sixth sense within himself.

“Yes, that sounds good,” Sky murmured. “Thank you…”

He smiled and brushed her lips, feeling her respond instantly. “Thank me afterward, okay? Because tonight is your night. All I want to do is make you happy. We’ll go as far, or as slow, or whatever it is that you need. You’re in charge. I’ll be happy with whatever you want to share with me, and it will be enough. Okay?”

Sky’s heart opened and she felt an unending depth of love for this warrior, this man who had saved her life twice. She moaned softly as Cal trailed a series of kisses down the length of her neck, stopping every now and again, simply inhaling her fragrance. His other hand followed the curve of her taut breast and her breath jammed in her throat. How badly Sky wanted Cal to touch her nipple. She couldn’t wait, and she arched into his large, calloused palm, her flesh skittering with the fire of contact. She realized, since becoming pregnant, her whole body was far more sensitive than before. The breath she’d held turned into a guttural moan as his lips suckled that erect, awaiting nipple. Fire arced and dizzied her as it shot straight down to her lower body that ached for so much more from Cal.

Every touch, every sleek movement of his lips across first one breast, and then lavishing across to the other, was tender. Tears were burning behind her eyelids as she was worshipped by Cal. It was impossible to believe a man could be so incredibly tender, barely kissing her, suckling her, moving his large, roughened hand down her hip to her thigh, caressing her, telling her in so many ways how much he loved her.

Something broke inside her and she unexpectedly sobbed. Sky couldn’t control it, and deep, animal-like sounds tore out of her throat. She felt Cal gather her up against him, holding her, rocking her, his legs tangled between hers. Her tears wet his chest, her hand opened and closed against his hard, tough flesh. She didn’t understand what was happening to her, or why. Hadn’t she cried enough? How many more tears were locked away inside her fractured soul? Cal’s touch, his kisses, his attentiveness with her, tore open another dark door hidden deep within her.

“I-I’m sorry,” Sky wept, pressing her face against him, clinging to him, never wanting to let Cal go.

“It’s all right Sky,” he rasped near her ear. “Everything’s just as it needs to be.”

“I-I can’t lose you,” she sobbed, unable to halt her rampant emotions no matter how hard she tried. Sky heard a rumble through Cal’s broad chest. Or maybe it was a low growl of a male animal protecting his mate? She felt so exposed. So incredibly vulnerable. Choking, she sobbed, “I feel like someone has torn my skin off me…”

Cal closed his eyes, jaw against her hair, moving his hand soothingly up and down her long, beautiful back. He hurt for Sky, understanding the shock of the kidnapping was still a vivid, controlling part of her life. “I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.” His voice thickened as he held and rocked her. “You’re safe Sky. Our baby is safe. I’ll NEVER let anyone ever hurt you or Makayla again. Alright?”

Those words sunk deep into her aching heart. She clung to Cal, terror coming out in the form of tears. Sky had never cried so hard, so long, in all her life. Cal’s hand smoothing down her back, his soft kisses against her hair and temple, began to calm her. And finally… finally… the tears turned off. Sky lay against him, eyes tightly shut, feeling cleaner. Lighter maybe. Cal afforded her the safe harbor she desperately needed. Wiping her cheek, she muttered, “When is this going end? I’ve never cried like this in all my life…”

“You have decades of tears stored up inside you,” Cal rasped, easing her away to look into Sky’s darkened eyes. A corner of his mouth lifted. “When this happens, and it will, I’ll be here. I’ll hold you. We’ll work through this together.” There was such raw vulnerability in her eyes, Cal understood what she meant by feeling as if she had no skin to protect herself. He knew the kidnapping trauma was a large part of it. Another part was that she was pregnant. And then, stack her ugly childhood on top of it, and it was the perfect emotional storm for Sky.

Cal kissed her damp brow. “You’re going to be okay,” he promised her in a deep voice, holding her gaze. “You’ve gone from running nearly all your life, Sky, to falling in love with me, and then, getting pregnant.” His tone turned wry. “And let’s just throw in a kidnapping in there for good measure.” Cal gave her gentle look. “Is it any wonder your emotions are upside down and turned inside out? You’ve gone through a lot of sudden evolutions, sweetheart.”

“I feel so out of control. The tears… they hit out of nowhere. I was so lost in your loving me…,” and her voice died.

“Love opens up,” Cal told her quietly, using his thumb to remove the tears across her cheek. “Love makes us both vulnerable in ways we’ve never, ever experienced before, Sky. It’s a helluva scary ride.”

“But you seem to be able to handle it a lot better than I do.”

He grinned. “I’m not pregnant, though.”

Sky muffled a laugh against his chest.

Cal’s heart mushroomed as he watched Sky’s soft mouth draw into a real smile. Her laughter was music to his soul. “I love you. I need you. And all I want for the rest of my life is you in it.”

Sky turned, holding Cal’s smoldering gaze, that laser-like focus on her. “I was so filled with love as you touched me,” she whispered, “I just can’t live without you, Cal. I don’t want too…”

He nodded, saying nothing, finding and curving his mouth gently over hers. He tasted the salt of her spent tears. Her hand drifted from his chest, down across his hard belly, her fingers wrapping around his erection. Instantly, he tensed and groaned. It felt so good to be touched by her. He became lost in her heat, her fingers moving suggestively around him, hearing her moan as his tongue tangled with hers. She was so brave. So damned courageous. Cal marveled at her ability to remain open to him, to invite him to her, to celebrate so much. Celebrate life trumping death.

Cal eased her hand from around him and then laid Sky on her back, opening her thighs. Beautiful, creamy, firm curved thighs that he was going to taste and sample. And then, he was going to taste her. Cal rose up, settling his legs inside those beckoning thighs. Sky’s eyes were half closed, her breath becoming uneven as he curved his hands around her breasts bathed in moonlight. Two months pregnant and her breasts had grown lush, larger. She was far more sensitive to every touch. When he suckled those nipples, he felt her arch her hips, inviting him into her. He smiled into her druzy, lust filled eyes and leaned over, sampling each nipple, feeling her fingers dig frantically into his biceps, communicating her enjoyment.

It was so easy to trail a series of wet, slow kisses down the center of her body. He paused over her pearlescent abdomen, cupping it with both his hands, kissing her tenderly there, kissing the baby she carried for both of them. Allowing his hands to range down across her hips, feeling the firm velvet of her thighs, he heard Sky moan because she knew what was coming. Cal knew she loved the way he went down upon her. Tonight was for Sky. More than anything, he was driven to pleasure her, give her ecstasy, and chase away those dark, haunting memories. Kissing the inside of each of her thighs, she was so responsive, so hot. His nostrils flared as he caught her sex scent. It made him throb with need of her. He ached to plunge into her depths, knowing she wanted it as much as he did, but that wasn’t the plan right now.

Patience was his specialty, and tonight, Cal was going to give Sky all the pleasure she could possibly handle. As he brushed his mouth across those blond curls, she cried out, hips lifting, wanting his mouth upon her. She smelled so good, and he laid down, his wide shoulders easing her thighs apart, giving him full access to her entrance, to her utter sweetness, her strength and womanhood. Moving his tongue slowly around her wet rim, the fluids thick, his primal mind took over. Cal gripped her thighs, holding her captive, and slid this tongue inside her.

Sky bucked and groaned. Her fingers frantically opened and closed upon Cal’s tense shoulders. She twisted, sobbed for breath as he found that swollen knot of nerves just pleading to be tasted, nudged, and unmercifully teased it into throbbing, swollen life by his tongue. Cal felt her quiver. Felt how very close Sky was to orgasm. He’d barely started, and she was already there. Somewhere in his mind, he remembered it had been six weeks since they’d last had sex. That was a helluva long time. He slid his hands beneath the small of her back, lifting her more directly to his mouth, and he began a fevered assault upon her that left her sobbing out his name. When she sank her fingers into his bunched shoulder muscles, Cal felt her walls contract and he knew she was coming apart. The orgasm shattered through Sky and her cries became wild, her fingers digging spasmodically into him.

Cal laid down beside her as she orgasmed, slid his hands around her thickening waist, and lifted her over the top of him, her thighs settling on either side of his narrow hips. She was flushed, sobbing for breath, shaking in the wake of the orgasm when he settled her hot, wet, throbbing core against his hard erection. Cal drew her gently forward on him, feeling her begin to lose spatial reality. He kept up the firm pressure, watching Sky lose herself in another orgasm that rolled through her moments after the first one. A pink flush spread across her chest, the moving upward, and Cal smiled, watching the moonlight caress her slender form, watching how the shadows plunged and swelled across the valleys and curves of her body. She was so beautiful. Unearthly. His.

Cal felt Sky begin to collapse, spent and blown by the two powerful orgasms. He guided her across himself, her brow resting against his jaw, her hands limp across his shoulders. She was quivering, the orgasms still rippling through her, taking her to that other place where only burning, undulating pleasure existed. Cal smoothed his hands down Sky’s damp back, feeling the womanly strength of her spine, outlining her flared hips, caressing her cheeks, and then starting from her shoulders and moving downward again. He sensed she needed to rest longer than usual, and he willingly absorbed her like a warm, living blanket laying across him. Feeling the bird-like beat of her heart against his, the warmth of her moist breath feathering across his neck and chest, Cal relished every second of it. He could feel the swell of her belly pressing into his erection. It didn’t matter to him right now whether she wanted anything more or not. He’d pleasured her. He’d gifted her with his love, and that’s all that mattered. He’d welcomed Sky home to him in the most intimate of ways.

Sky lost track of time. She felt sated. Her body was still throbbing with life, and she marveled at how good she felt. How light. Moving her hand a little, she whispered, “I went away for a while…” She heard a rumble of agreement in Cal’s chest, a partial laugh filled with understanding.

“Great sex does that to you,” Cal rasped, caressing her hair, sliding his fingers along her nape, massaging her because Cal knew she loved being kneaded by him. It was a small gift, just another way to let Sky know he loved her. “How are you feeling?”
