Page 71 of No Quarter

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“Even back then,” Lauren mused softly, moving her hand gently across his massive chest, “you knew…”

Nodding, he smiled a little. “My instincts have never led me wrong and I trusted them. And, look what happened. Are you happy about it?”

“A hundred percent.” She sat up and whispered, “I want to love you, Alex. Right now.”

“I like a woman who knows her mind,” he murmured, catching her hand, pulling her gently to her feet. He led her into the cabin and shut the door for the night. Leading her down the hall, he drew her into their bedroom. While Alex divested himself of his shoes, socks, Levi’s and black t-shirt, she disrobed as well, placing her clothes over the top of a nearby chair. Lauren felt him come up behind her, turning her around in his arms and drawing her lightly in against his naked body. The look in his eyes melted her heart, her soul. There was such raw love shining in his green, sienna and gold eyes, that her throat tightened. As he reached up, loosening her top knot so that her hair fell and flowed like a crimson river around her shoulders, she saw predatory lust come to his eyes, too.

“You are a warrior’s woman. Do you know that? So proud. Brave. Strong and fearless.”

His words were as if they were touching Lauren physically, his voice roughened with need. “All I need is you. My other half,” she whispered, sliding her hands around his thick, broad shoulders, “to make me whole…”

Alex nodded and picked her up, carefully placing her on her back in the center of the bed. He joined her, propping himself up on his left elbow, his hand trailing down her left arm, her hip, to her long, curved thigh. Closing her eyes, Lauren wanted to remember every touch he shared with her, her skin riffling with sparks of heat wherever he trailed those roughened fingers across it. As his lips moved slowly across her hairline, she felt his hand settle against her hip.

“Malen ‘kaya,” he breathed, “you must tell me if I make you scared?” Lifting his head, Alex held her soft mourning-dove-colored gray eyes that were barely open yet simmering with so much arousal. “Tell me no, and I will stop immediately.” This was something he’d kept saying ever since they had begun slowly introducing her into the realm of loving one another. To him, it bared repeating, wanting her to always know that she was in control. Caressing her flushed cheek he scowled, feeling his own fear of doing something that would trigger a flashback, or loosen a terror from her childhood that could overwhelm her. So many things could happen, andhadhappened between them already. They went at her pace so that she was in control of the situation at all times and it was working well for them.

Understanding that the past was still alive and being slowly healed, there were moments he hesitated; those where he sensed she would experience a flashback. Lauren had no power over them, so they would stop, communicate with one another, talk some more, and sometimes cry and hold one another. More than anything, his way of seeing her was not as a woman to have sex and self-gratification with. Rather, that he loved her and wanted to share that love with her—on her own terms and needs. That decision between them had made these rocky times far easier to deal with for both their sakes.

Once Lauren had understood his perspective on her, and them as a couple, it had made it easier for her, too. When his touch set off a flashback, she would freeze and he would wait, listen to her needs, and give them to her. Most often, when these times occurred, she reverted back to that frightened, hurting little seven-year-old girl she had once been and he would gently wrap her up in his arms, hold her safe and protected, giving Lauren the opportunity to then work through all this, instead of being paralyzed and overwhelmed by it. He was her partner. He would never allow her to go through one of these episodes alone.

“I will tell you if I get scared,” she promised, her voice husky. Sliding her fingers across his jaw, his stubble of beard making prickles of heat leap through their tips, she smiled up at him. “You look so worried. Don’t be? It will be all right. We’ll take this next step together, Alex?”

Swallowing, Alex nodded, pressing his brow to hers. “I am afraid, Lauren. For you. For what I might do without knowing that I have harmed you.”

“You love me, you big teddy bear,” Lauren whispered, gripping his shoulder and giving him a small shake. “Sometimes, I feel scared too, but not for those reasons. I’m such a neophyte at this; learning the ways of how to love someone… I know so little…” She saw him give her a very confident, male smile.

“Teaching you about your body is one of my greatest joys,malen ‘kaya.I want you to always be natural, flow with your body’s desires. Do not be afraid to moan or cry out. It is healthy. Wonderful. But,” and his brows dipped, “There is a way to do this, that gives you all the control. All right?”

Nodding, Lauren had never felt as safe, as cared for, as right now in his arms. “It will be all right. I feel it, Alex, here, in my heart. Because we love one another, nothing bad is going to happen tonight.”

“Still,” he whispered, his mouth barely grazing her lips, “talk to me. Tell me what feels good. What you want. I will go only as far as you want me to go. I will never force myself on you.”

“I know that,” she quavered, feeling tears enter her eyes. Of all times, Lauren didn’t want to cry right now. Just the tenderness in his gaze, in the grave quality of his rumbling voice, made her heart fly open on wings of such joy that it took her breath away. “You have always been my teacher. Teach me more tonight?” and she leaned up, capturing his mouth, deepening their kiss. Lauren might not know everything yet, but she knew how to incite Alex into groans of need that shook his entire body. It was an amazing discovery of her own power as a woman influencing her man. And it was done with love for one another.

His tongue moved boldly against hers and Lauren squirmed, thrusting her hips against his turgid erection. He felt like warm steel pressing insistently into her belly, making her channel contract, more fluid collecting between her thighs. She lost track of time, centering her heart, her mind, her soul, on his hand moving down the length of her spine.

Lifting his mouth, he gently caught the nape of her delicate neck between his teeth, sending a wave of teasing electrical jolts downward, tightening her breasts, making her nipples throb and become erect. And then he released his teeth, slowly licking the fading pink welt he had left behind, his warm breath moist, then kissing it. Lauren felt the deliciousness of his tactics, her body melting, reacting, wanting…

As his hand curved around her breast, she felt its calluses inciting her flesh to grow taut. Moaning as he dragged his thumb across her nipple, she pressed wantonly against his erection. His lips left the tingling flesh of her neck, moving languidly across her super-sensitive collar bones. It was a movable feast of heat combined with raw pleasure and Lauren couldn’t just lay passively next to him. She arched her breast deeper into his large, roughened palm. It was then that he lifted his head, and his lips captured that taut nipple, suckling her. Lauren’s world flew apart as she felt wild slivers of heat boiling down through her, making her cry out. It was a cry of utter surprise, woven through with savage unexpected pleasure for her. Fire rippled out conically from around her breast, widening, making her arch hard against him, her hand gripping his back, her leg tangling with his.

Smiling to himself, Alex lavished the other nipple with the same kind of attention, and he felt Lauren dissolving, becoming wild and restless against him. She was not trained or studied in how a man could love her. Instead, her reactions were natural, and his heart soared as he felt her move sinuously against him, her warm, velvet flesh against his toughened skin. She was all softness, curves, hunger, her mewls like sweet songs making him so damned hard that he could barely control himself. Her hair moved in ripples of crimson and gold, strong, silky, and free, like she was. Reveling in her entrusting her body to him, Alex moved his hand downward, sliding his long fingers over the curve of her thigh, gently opening her, making her available for the further delights that he could gift her with. He suckled her while he eased his fingers around to her inner thigh, feeling how wet it already had become. She was more than ready but he wasn’t going to take any chances.

The moment he traced her outer entrance, she stiffened against him, a low sound of pleasure rising out of her, fingers frantic against his back. Easing inside her, stroking that swollen knot, she sobbed his name, clinging to him. Pleasing this woman—his woman—allowing her to be the wild, instinctive Steppe pony from Mongolia that she had always been in his heart, was all he wanted. He lived to give Lauren full knowledge of her body, to give her the confidence in herself to enjoy these treasures. Alex had always hoped her past could remain behind her and that they could build a new foundation based upon mutual pleasure and their love, instead. Maybe? Maybe this was one of those times? He hoped so.

She was going to orgasm. He held her close, suckling more strongly upon her nipple, boldly stroking her, and Alex felt her entire body clench from the inside out. Her fierce cry surrounded them as he felt a hot rush of fluids, feeling her body spasm. Lauren was frozen in ecstasy, and he continued to milk her. Sobs tore out of her, and he placed his teeth on the other nipple, squeezing it just enough to walk the line of that pleasure-pain threshold. And when he did, a second orgasm flooded through her, making her gasp in surprise. Alex could feel the fine quiver running through her damp, tense body, her back arched, head thrown back, her eyes closed, a flush spreading swiftly up across her chest and into her neck and face. He felt damned good being able to bring her willingly, without fear, without reprisal, to this climatic moment, for the first time in her life.

Easing out of her, he soothed her hip and thigh, as if calming a fractious horse. Her breath came in pants, her fingers dug deeply into him, a sign of how much raw pleasure she was still experiencing. Alex knew he had to give her time to ramp down, her body now over-sensitive and in need of a rest for a bit. Laying her gently onto her back, her red hair flowed like molten lava around her flushed face still filled with ecstasy: her eyes closed, her lips parted, nostrils flared, drinking in great draughts of air like a wild Steppe pony on a hard run. She was indeed his untamed woman, and he kissed her damp brow, inhaling her scent, the ache in his own body intense. He wanted nothing to take away from this precious moment of discovery for her. Each time they loved one another was new step for her, and Alex was determined to give her the time she deserved to absorb all of it.

Lauren’s heart was beating like a fluttering bird in her chest. She felt Alex’s lips on her brow, her temple, soothing her, giving her time to recover, to satiate herself with the scalding splendor of her own body. She was floating, no longer tethered to the earth, only to his arm beneath her neck, his large, roughened hand moving slowly up and down her hip and leg. His moist breath feathered across her cheek and temple as he gently took her mouth, relishing her lips, her instant response, her woman’s heat meeting his male hunger.

Alex knew he would not lay over her in order to enter her. It was just too much weight on her newly healed ribcage. He slowly released her.

“Come,” he urged her quietly, helping her to sit up. Her gray eyes were blown; pupils huge, silver in their depths, telling him of the utter pleasure she was still experiencing. Settling himself up against the headboard, he eased one of her thighs across his hips and then brought his knees up, supporting her back, his hands resting lightly on her upper arms. She was flushed, nostrils still flared, lips moist from the hungry kisses they had shared. She settled her wet, hot core against his thickened erection. Alex gritted his teeth, his fingers tightening momentarily on her firm upper arms. Lauren hadn’t realized how much this would affect him. This was their first time introducing her to this particular position. And it was the only way to control her descent into another way to love one another. To give her even more orgasms.

She placed her hands on his wide shoulders, her red hair like a waterfall cresting her shoulders, flowing down over her breasts. Alex smiled into her half-opened eyes, liking what he saw. He settled his hands around her flared hips. “Do you feel me against you,malen ‘kaya?”

Nodding, she licked her lower lip, barely coherent, still floating in that nether-world of heat and sensation. “Y-yes…” She felt his fingers grip more firmly against her hips, drawing her a little forward. Instantly, she moaned, sudden jolts of pleasure emanating from where they slid against one another. Oh, that felt electrifying! Wonderful! And she saw Alex smile up into her eyes.

