Page 29 of Mail Order Mockery

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“No one,” Mrs. Daugherty said.

Jessica realized she was still squeezing Mary Sue’s hand. “Sorry,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to hold on for so long.”

Mary Sue shook her head. “You did great. I know George is outside the door pacing.”

“Before you send him in, would you tell him there will be no more babies? Twelve should be enough for anyone.”

“I absolutely will. And this time, he’d better listen!”

George came into the room a short while later, and she was holding a baby in each arm. “Twins. You kept telling me twins, but I didn’t believe you.”

“Please tell me twelve children is enough.”

He chuckled. “I’m just glad you’re still healthy after twelve children.”

“I am too! Who would take care of them?”

He smiled. “I’m sure John would let us have Nancy for a few days if absolutely necessary. Besides, Sally is here to help with whatever you need.”

“Isn’t it hard to believe our baby Sally is sixteen and being courted by the boy who chased her around at recess?”

“And our Nancy is married to the boy who chased her at recess. Our boys should be more careful of their sisters and the boys who chase them.”

“I don’t know why,” Jessica said. “Seems to be working out all right so far.”

“It does indeed.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. “What are we going to name these two?”

“Let’s name them after us. We’ll have little Georgina, who we can call Gina for short, and Jesse. It seems fitting after all we’ve been through together.”

George smiled. “Perfect answer. Georgina and Jesse.”
