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Shelby nodded. “He made me crazy. Seriously, I didn’t know what to do with him after a while. He should have been calling his cardiologist’s office when he was having chest pains, not going to the ER. But after hours, they would tell him to come to me, and I would make sure he wasn’t having another heart attack and send him home.”

“Are you allowed to talk about your patients?”

“If I don’t identify them, I can. But say your mom came in to be treated, I couldn’t come home and tell you what I’d found out about her.”

“That’s reasonable,” he said.

After supper, she did the dishes. “You cooked, so I’ll clean,” she said.

He nodded. “Sounds fair to me.”

While she cleaned the kitchen, he went into the living room and watched another one of the videos from the cooking school on his phone. With two of them, they should eat at home more often than eating out, and he needed to find easy meals he could do. He liked to cook elaborate meals, but he only cooked when he wanted to. He had a feeling the doctor in Shelby wouldn’t approve.

When Shelby joined him, he was still stunned that he was married to the only girl he’d ever loved. He watched her come into the living room and sit down beside him on the couch.

“I’m looking for easy weeknight meals for us. Any thoughts?”

“Crock Pot meals?”

“That’s not a bad idea. I could start something in the morning before work, and then we could eat it for supper that night.”

“Mom usually starts something the night before, so it’ll get super tender while it cooks.” Shelby had watched her mother deal with working full time and feeding three growing girls meals for years. Maybe she couldn’t cook, but she was good at suggesting things.

“I think that’s a good idea, depending on what it is. I could also do all the prep at night and keep it in a baggie to throw in the pot in the morning.”

She nodded. “Then you don’t necessarily have to get up early to start a meal.”

“Do you still hate mornings as much as you always have?” he asked.

She nodded emphatically. “Yes, and I was mostly on nights for the past four years, so…it’s worse than ever.”

“I’m not going to have to drag you out of bed in the mornings, am I?”

“Probably not. But if you could drag me to bed at night, that would be lovely.”

Nate laughed, shaking his head. “I do think we’re going to make this work.”

“We don’t have a choice for the next year,” she said. “We both signed a contract that we would stay together for at least a year.”

“That’s true. I don’t see myself looking for a way out though.”

“Me neither!”

“You know, we could run to your office tomorrow and talk to Rachel. Did you close the office?”

She shook her head. “The nurses and I have the day off, but Rachel is working, taking appointments and taking calls for prescription refills.”

“Did you buy someone else’s practice, or are you just starting fresh?” he asked.

“Starting fresh. Dr. Campbell who I saw when I was a kid just retired, and he’s sending everyone to me though. It’s given me a quick start.”

“I remember him. I never saw him as a patient, but I remodeled his kitchen.”

“How was he to work with?” Shelby asked. She’d known the man her entire life, and he’d always seemed so laid back.

“Super easy,” Nate said. “Though his wife was a bit of a pill.”

“Most doctor’s wives I’ve met are like that,” she told him. “They figure since they married a doctor, they’re better than everyone else. It’s tough to be around them.”
