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He nodded. “Better than I expected as well. We’re selling this place for six-fifty, and buying that one for the same. It’ll be a wash until I start pouring money into repairs and renovation.”

“You want to go over and start working on it today?” she asked.

He nodded. “I want to get that bathroom fixed before we move in. We need one bathroom that we’re comfortable using.”

She nodded. “All right. Do you want me to come or stay?”

He shrugged. “Either way. If you’d rather stay here and relax, that’s fine, but if you want to come with me, I’d enjoy your company.”

“I’ll come with you,” she said. “I want to see how you do this stuff.”

“I don’t expect you to do any of the actual work,” he said. “It would be fun to get your opinions on all the fixtures and the color you think the bathroom should be. I want this place to just scream luxury when I’m done.”

“Sounds good to me,” she said. “Let me change into something that’s presentable enough to be out of the house in.”

“Nothing nice,” he warned. “I’ll wear some old jean shorts and a t-shirt for this.”

“Then I’ll wear shorts and a t-shirt too. I don’t have a lot of clothes that I would worry about ruining. A couple of business suits for the conventions I’ve done.”

“Makes sense,” he said.

A short while later, they were out of the house and on their way to the new place. He went straight up to the master bath, with her following closely behind. “I’m going to replace this tub entirely,” he said. “That corner is going to be a separate shower.”

He went to the bathroom counter. “This will be done with double sinks. And I’m going to put a floor to ceiling mirror over here, so you can check your appearance in the mirror before going out.”

“You’ve already got all those ideas after looking at it once?” she asked, surprised.

He nodded. “I’ve done this before, remember. I came through here, looking for what I could do to update the house and do it well. I’ll have a pool guy come in and deal with the pool as soon as we close.” He walked into the attached bedroom. “I think we should have two full walk-in closets here. Each one with a bench, so it can be used as a dressing room.”

“I’m really impressed. I can see your visions, and I like them. The bedroom itself seems all right, but that peeling wallpaper has got to go.”

He nodded. “I’ll steam it off, and then paint it.”

“And that mirror on the ceiling definitely needs to be history.”

“That I will not argue with. I’ve never understood why they were so popular in the seventies.”

He led her out onto the balcony that was off the bedroom. “I think I want a hot tub out here. It would modernize the house some, but it would also be nice after a busy day.”

“It would! A sauna might be nice too, but I have no idea where you’d put it.”

“I’ll think about it,” he said. “For now, I’m going to shut off the water and start pulling this tub out.”

“Do you need my help?” she asked.

“No, I’d rather you weren’t in there while I did it.”

“All right,” she said. “I may sit on the porch, soak up the sun, and read for a while, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. You bring a book?”

She held up her phone. “This is my book. I can’t understand why people think I should use it as a phone.”

He laughed. “Go sit.”

There was a bench on the balcony that looked as though it had been built in. She made good use of it, reading and looking out over the town. This house really did have a lot of potential, especially after she’d better seen Nate’s visions for it.

They stayed there until four before heading home. “I got more accomplished than I thought I would,” he told her. “I think I would be comfortable with us moving in a month from now.”
