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“I couldn’t have said it better.” He kissed her again. “I love you with everything that I am. You and our baby.” His arms circled her waist, and his palms found the small bump under her clothes. “I hope we have this forever. This place. These woods. This home. Good friends. Our family. This love.”

The tears finally spilled over and went racing down her cheeks. Her smile set them to shimmering because it was so bright. “That’s my exact hope as well.”

He drank in the sight of her before he stepped back. “I did promise you lunch, so…” He backed up and started shucking clothes. No use ruining another good pair of boots. He’d just bought these a few months ago. They were starting to get to that nice, soft, comfortable, broken in point.

He wasn’t sure if he could get any of the fish in the creek, but he knew how much January delighted in watching him shift. She wasn’t afraid of the bear. She knew him well now too. They’d done this a few times a week ever since she’d made that decision to stay in Greenacre. She wasn’t scared, not even the first time. She trusted that he would never hurt her in any form. He’d sensed her nerves, but after a few minutes, they’d settled. He didn’t recall memories the way a human did when he was his bear, but he recalled every sensation of being with his mate during that first time down to the most minute detail.

No matter what season it was, they went out into the woods together. They ran together, sat together, walked together, whatever form he was in.

He pulled off his shirt and added his jeans and boxers to the pile. Her little intake of breath made him grin before he got down on all fours and let the shift start to happen. It was that night in the alley, where his bear made a surprise appearance in order to protect the mate of his heart, that truly had brought them to this point, but every shift after that, all the ones he’d done for January, had been planned. Planned with joy and delight. That first one might have been terrifying for them both, but they might not have realized they were mates without it.

So, whenever he thought back to that night in the alley, he was thankful. He was thankful that the bear had other, much better ideas.

-The End-
