Page 43 of Knot on My Watch

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“Whenever they are able, they can bring you back home,” my father continued, sounding almost bored.

“Yes… okay.” I barely got the words out. Wiping at the tears in my eyes, I dared to ask the obvious question. “Father, why are you answering Kienna’s phone? Is she alright?”

“Of course,” he replied sharply. “Kienna caused some dissension in the household, and I was forced to take away all her devices and lock her in her room. She will remain there until the situation is dealt with.”

I swallowed hard. The bastard had locked up Kienna. She was trapped in the house, and I had no doubt the staff were too.

I had to get back home. I had to stop this craziness.

“I have a meeting in a minute. I’m certain you’ll behave properly and remember the Birk family pride. Goodbye.”

And just like that, the call ended.

He hadn’t waited for me to reply. He never told me he was worried about me or that he missed me. Not that I would expect it. All that mattered was the Birk family pride.

I sent texts to Nicolette and Aubrielle asking if they had heard anything. Knowing what I did about my father now, he might have lied to get me to rush back home. Both of my friends responded within a minute saying they hadn’t heard a thing. And even though they asked what was going on, I didn’t tell them. They didn’t need to freak out. This was a Birk family problem, and I had to deal with it myself.

Throwing on some clothes, I rushed into the hall and through the house. I found Kathryn vacuuming the area rug in the living room. She smiled when she saw me, but her smile melted from her face as she turned off the machine.

“Callista, what’s going on?” She propped up the vacuum and came over to rub my shoulder. I hoped I didn’t look like a total mess, but Kienna was in trouble. I had to help her.

“Do you know when Talis is going to return?” I blurted out the words as I worried my hands together.

“All available guards are at Senator Grant’s house right now. I don’t know when they’ll be back.” Her eyes then widened and her face filled with concern as she asked, “Are you needing one of the Alphas? If your heat is getting bad, I can radio the team, and I’m certain Talis will let Levi or Evander come home.”

My cheeks heated. Did everyone here at the house know what was going on? Not that I’d been quiet about it. Several times with the Alphas, I’d been immensely vocal. It didn’t matter. Kienna was what mattered. “No, no, it’s okay. My father called and wanted me home, but he can wait until Talis returns to fly me to the mainland… Or is there a boat?” Surely there was at least one with the number of people on the island. “I don’t want to rush anyone, but my father is not a patient person.”

Kathryn gave my shoulder a squeeze. “Your father can wait. You’re perfectly safe here, and that’s how we all want to keep it. When Talis returns, you can talk to him, and he will get your father to understand it’s best if you stay here for a while longer. With everything that’s happening today—”

“What happened today?” Oh no. She had said every available guard was at Carson’s. Something big had to be going on. But what? Weren’t the gunmen after me? My heart pounded in my chest. “The guys are okay, right?”

“Everything’s fine,” Kathryn said gently. “There was a threat, and The Praetorian Guard takes every threat seriously. Talis and his men are professionals. They know how to handle themselves no matter what happens, so stop worrying. Did you want anything to eat? I’d be happy to make you something.”

The Alphas might be professionals, but they weren’t made of metal. One bullet would be all it would take to rip them from my life. Tears shimmered in my vision.

Nope. I didn’t have time to think about it. I sucked back the roiling emotions.

Should I tell Kathryn about Kienna? Maybe she would help and get me to the mainland. No, the fewer people involved in anything with my family the better. Kathryn was too sweet to put her in this mess. “I actually did eat something in my room. Perhaps…” My brain scrambled for something, any way out. “I think I might go for a swim. Just a dip to cool off and relax.”

“Let me put this away and come with you.” She started to wind up the cord for the vacuum.

I couldn’t make my escape with her there. I managed a smile and shook my head. “No, it’s okay. You finish up your work before all the guys come back and mess everything up again.”

“Are you sure?” Kathryn didn’t look fully convinced, and I forced my smile wider.

“It’s all good. I remember where the beach is. It’s not far.” I hoped I sounded as nonchalant about it as I wanted. I didn’t want Kathryn to be suspicious. The faster I got home, the faster I could free Kienna.

Kathryn regarded me for a moment and then nodded. “Alright. There’s a phone in the beach shed which connects to the house here. Did Levi show you?”

“He did.” Thank God. “I won’t be long. See you in a little while.”

Giving a little wave, I headed to the kitchen and the vacuum turned back on as I left the room. I went out the back door and walked swiftly to the beach.

I felt awful for lying. Kathryn had been nothing but wonderful to me since I arrived at Haverhill, and here I was sneaking off like some spoiled teenager. Yet I couldn’t get her or anyone else involved.

The sun peeked through the trees, and the ocean winds made the tall pine boughs rustle. I rubbed the sore spot on my neck where Talis had bitten me. Warmth surged through me knowing that he’d claimed me. He was mine and I was his. Everything was a mess at the moment, but I wanted nothing more than to make it work. Not just with him, but with Evander and Levi too.

I stopped as I came to the end of the path which led to the beach. What had I been thinking? There was no boat there.
