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“Um…well…I guess I have to say that it sounded a lot like one of your last albums. I think if we, I mean,youwould like to start a new era with your next album, you should do something different. Sonically, I mean.”

I stood there for a couple of moments, fully taking in her words. It was obvious she was still censoring herself, but letting that guard down just a little. I could only imagine an uncensored Thalia. Admittedly, it was refreshing.

Jackson gave me a surprised smile as I simply hummed at what just happened.

“Okay, well, I think it’s a good first effort,” I said, trying to keep everybody’s morale up. No, actually, that was a lie. I said that out loud for my own benefit and my own morale. Like I said, I didn’t particularly like the beginning stages of making an album.

Jackson seemed to pick up on it, giving me a small thumbs up.

“Yep, we gotta start somewhere!” He donned a wide toothy grin that somehow made me feel better. Jackson was far from being a yes-man and was the first person to push back against me. But at the end of the day, he was just a positive person, which was a rare find in this industry.

“Honestly, man. I’m just glad we actuallystarted,” he added with a chuckle.

Thalia stood silently behind Jackson, checking her phone every two seconds.

The vibe in the studio had turned somewhat awkward, and I found I was grateful when my phone chimed in my pocket. Desperate to find a reason to stop looking at Thalia, I slipped it from my pocket. A strange mixture of excitement and dread ran through every nerve of my body when I saw the notification. I knew it was coming, but seeing it released into the world made everything feel more real.

“Jackson, did you see the post?” I asked as I opened the social media post my team made for my official accounts.

“What’s up?” Jackson picked up his own phone and started scrolling. “Oh, that’s right! You’re going back on tour soon. Whoa, it’s nationwide this summer?”

Touring was always a mix of fear and joy for me, even after all these years. I knew there was nowhere else I wanted to be than on stage, but it also meant I had to have something to sing, something to give the fans.

“Damn,” I muttered. “That means we gotta get going on this album” I skimmed through a page in the notebook again. “You all mind staying a little longer for one more take?”

“Hell, yeah!” Jackson was already turning to the equipment, getting set up for another run-through.

Thalia looked at her phone again, a concerned expression darkening her face, pulling her brows together. I was about to ask her if everything was okay when the track started playing and I turned my focus to the music.

Chapter 8


Iwassolate.I was so fucking late. I had no one to cover for me because Adriana had a shift at her real job today. I was about to break out into a sprint across the massive parking lot but kept my pace to a respectable power walk. I didn’t need to look chaotic to anyone else.

One more take turned into at least ten more for Damian. They all sounded like different versions of the same thing – mediocrity. He was clearly losing a bit of his rockstar edge, and he’d need to find it again. But that wasn’t my problem.

My problem was getting home in…shit, now the clock said I had fifty-three minutes. Okay, everything was going to be okay.

I could see my Corolla standing there, looking dull in the setting sun, just past the entrance of the underground parking garage. I was just past the ramp when I heard a car come speeding up to the exit.


What the…?

I turned around, and the car was insanely shiny, black, windows fully tinted as it turned in my direction, beeping again.

“Hey!” I yelped. “Do you know how to drive, asshole?” I couldn’t see who was inside, and I didn’t care. I was already irritated from running late and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with some rude, rich jerk.

I continued to walk to my car, but it started to accelerate slowly again, matching my speed. Now they werereallypissing me off.

Another loud and obnoxious horn for me. It was so booming it seemed to reverberate across the whole parking lot.

“Do you fucking mind?” I yelled, letting all of my venom out. I was ready to tear this person a new one when the windows rolled down and pissed me off even more. Damian Apollo and his satisfied smile greeted me. Of course.

I groaned. It was all I could say. I still wanted to give him an earful. But he was my boss and so I bit my tongue. As painful as that was.

“You seem to be in quite the hurry,” Damian helpfully pointed out, a little playfully, as his perfect white teeth almost blinded me. His eyes were hidden behind expensive sunglasses, but I was sure they would be bright with teasing. I turned and kept walking to my car, finally reaching the hunk of garbage. He slowly revved his car. Clearly, it was fueling his ego, making me scoff just a bit before I could get myself under control.
