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“That’s quite a story.” I cleared my throat, my voice thankfully remaining steady and firm.

Damian didn’t seem to notice anything off with me as he signaled to take the next exit. We spent the rest of the drive in silence, Damian turning up the radio.

I needed to get out of there.

Thankfully, we finally pulled into the parking lot in front of Luna’s school. Several parents were walking out with their kids, letting me know I’d made it in time.

“Thank you for the ride,” I said, facing Damian. He gave me a small smile that almost seemed…sad?

“No problem. It was on my way anyway,” He lied. He was avoiding making eye contact with me…until he wasn’t and I could feel my heart hitch and breath catch in my chest. “It was my fault you were in a rush. Sorry about that. And sorry about your car. I can get someone to look at it.”

For a moment, I felt frozen. I was certain this was the first act of kindness that I had received from Damian since the reunion that he didn’t know was a reunion. It reminded me of walking along the beach five years ago, his arm wrapped protectively around my shoulders, as if he’d never let anything happen to me.

Shit. I had to get out of there.

I shook my head sadly.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got a friend I can call to go take a look.”

Damian looked at me again, his expression completely unreadable, but he gave me a single nod.

Without another word, I exited his car and closed it gently behind me. Without looking back, I waved him goodbye as a small tear fell down my face. I couldn’t hold it in this time.

In a trance, I walked into the school.

“Mommy!” I recognized Luna’s voice anywhere. She yelled as loud as her little lungs could manage and ran toward me. Her happy smile immediately brightened up my day, and feeling her hug around my body was enough to remove all my exhaustion.

“Mommy, have you been crying?” Luna asked sadly, touching my cheeks, making me stop and look at her concerned eyes. “Are those tears on your cheek?” Her innocent voice made the pain twist a little harder, but the warmth of her hug loosened some of the tightness.

I knelt down in front of her, giving her a small but genuine smile.

“It’s just been a long day, sweetie. I’m okay. Work just went long and then there was a problem with the car, so I had to get a ride from a friend. That’s all. Don’t worry about anything though, okay Luna?”

It was a partial-truth, of course. But there was no way I could share any of what was going on with Damian with Luna, of course. It wasn’t her job to worry about me. Luna’s only job was to be a kid and grow up at her own pace.

“What do you say we head home? We’ll have to walk today, but it’s nice out and not far. Is that okay?”

Luna’s smile brightened as she nodded enthusiastically. I’d worry about tomorrow when tomorrow came. And as Luna joyfully skipped down the sidewalk the few blocks to our apartment, I felt some of the anxiety easing.

But I couldn’t help looking back at the road, wishing things could be different with Damian.

Chapter 9


Iwasabsolutelyexhilaratedright now, walking into the studio after two bus rides from home. But the notification on my phone really turned the morning around: my first paycheck had been deposited. I couldn’t wait for the day to be over so I could pick up Luna and we’d go grocery shopping. Ihatedgrocery shopping as a kid. It felt like my mom took forever to choose products and it was incredibly boring. So, I was surprised when Luna was always excited to go. She enjoyed picking out bananas and snacks and looking at all the bright packaging. She had the time of her life at the grocery store. It didn't hurt that she would always get a cookie from the baker.

But it had been rough since I got fired from my last job, so real, full grocery trips were fewer and further between. Not that we went hungry. I was fortunate enough to have some savings from my past life, but I was trying not to burn through that, saving as much as possible for Luna’s education.

I was lucky to get this job at Blue Guitar Records, and I knew it. It paid better than any job I’d had since my first go in the music industry. For now, at least, it was steady and could be a great stepping stone into a career.

So with a spring in my step, I walked into the studio, greeted only by the intense chill from the air conditioner.

“First one again, huh?” I asked the empty room sarcastically. My punctuality, and Damian and Jackson’s tardiness, had become a pattern. It’d been a few weeks since I’d started working here, and I made every attempt to keep a low profile. While a big part of me yearned to be back in the spotlight, to sing my own songs and make my own music, I had a mission, and I refused to waiver. I just needed to get paid so I could provide for Luna. It wasn’t time to be chasing dreams, it was time to be serious.

I started with my daily tasks; calibrating and maintaining the instruments that Damianmightuse for the day. It was no guarantee he’d use any of them, or even show up ready to work, but it was my job to make sure they were ready, just in case.

When I was in here alone, I thought how this wasn’t all that bad. I loved music with my whole heart, and it was a blessing to at least be in the same space where things were being created. The sound of the piano filling the recording booth as my fingers danced across a few keys sent shivers of happiness through my body. And then there were the guitars. I loved playing the guitar and as I tuned them up, I felt pleasure thrum through my fingers with each vibration.
