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Thalia gave Luna a big hug and took the container of cupcakes. Luna ran off down the hall, looking like she was on a mission.

“Thanks so much, Ana. You have no idea how much you’ve been helping these past few weeks. How can I ever repay you?”

Ana pulled Thalia into a quick hug, and as she turned toward the door, she had a mischievous look on her face.

“Oh, please. I could do this for free for the rest of my li – Or, well, since you’ve asked.” Adriana’s tone changed, laced with wryness as she turned toward me. “I’ve been trying to get tickets to a certain person’s show for years. Your last tour stop is back here in LA, isn’t it? Wink, wink.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Adriana’s silliness.

“You –” Thalia smacked her arm light. “Get out of here. Tell Mom I’ll call tomorrow.” She started to practically push Adriana out the door and as it closed, Thalia let out the biggest sigh.

“Since I didn’t get a chance to answer, to be clear, Adriana can have as many tickets as she wants to any of the LA shows,” I assured Thalia. “Really, it’s the least I could do after all she’s done.”

Thalia took a deep breath.

“Well, at least make her sweat a little longer. Can't make it too easy on siblings, right?" Thalia smirked jokingly. "Should we go see what Luna is up to?”

She invited me to follow her down the hall, and while I was nervous before, now I just felt…cozy? Was that even possible in a small apartment in LA in the summer? I wasn’t exactly sure, but there was something about having been invited into Thalia and Luna’s space that made me feel warm, and not just from the sweltering heat.

Thalia stopped at a door that I immediately knew could only be Luna’s and tapped on the doorway. It was like a pink explosion with fairy lights strung on the wall. Luna was staring intently at something on the floor that she was drawing.

She looked up, and her eyes widened.

“Did Auntie Ana leave? I thought I had more time.”

“More time for what, love?”

Luna picked up what she was drawing – it was a cupcake menu.

“It’s for the tea party. I wanted it to be extra special.”

Thalia chuckled and scooped Luna up in her arms.

“Luna, do you remember Damian?”

Luna nodded, and her eyes sparkled.

“Yep, from the grocery store,” she said, giggling.

“It’s nice to see you again, Luna.” Emotion was clogging my throat. Thalia and I had talked about not telling Luna on this first meeting exactly who I was. We wanted to give her a little time to get to know me first, so I wasn’t a complete stranger.

We all went to the living room where Luna showed off the cupcakes she’d made with her grandma and aunt. They were pretty impressive, with decorations ranging from sprinkles to candied flowers.

“Well, someone’s a little pastry chef,” Thalia said, ruffling Luna’s head as we all stared at the creations.

“Grandma helped a little. Auntie Ana didn’t really do much at all.”

I smiled at her summary of the event.

“Do you like them, Damian?”

They were messy, but charming and wholesome at the same time. I couldn’t help but smile.

“They look great, Luna.”

She looked up at me, her eyes glowing, and I wanted nothing more than to pull her into a hug and tell her I was sorry for not being there for her for the past four years. I wanted to give her everything she wanted. I wanted to tell her that everything I had, was hers. But we had a plan, and I wasn’t going to ruin this moment.

Besides, Luna was just a child and didn’t deserve to have to bear the brunt of my emotions.
