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“I’m so proud of you.” Damian stood up and pulled me close to him for a tight hug. I breathed in the scent of him deeply, now so familiar and comforting. “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that.”

I was just happy that I was back in his arms.

“It’s fine. None of it was your fault. He’s gone now, and we can start over.” I pulled back and giving him a light kiss and a warm smile. “Remember?”

Damien grabbed his phone. "I'm just going to get my secretary to send Kurt an official letter uninviting him to all of our executive meetings. We don't need to have him there anymore." After a few clicks, he put his phone back down.

Damian smiled toward me when we suddently heard some footsteps approaching the still-open studio. Luna walked inside with Adriana and Jackson trailing behind her.

“Mommy and Sir Laze-a-lot!” Luna greeted us like a ray of sunshine after the tumultuous storm, immediately lifting our spirits up. She ran up to Damian and motioned for him to come to her level so she could talk to him.

"I just like calling you Sir Laze-a-lot, but I don't really mean it, okay?" She grabbed Damian in a big hug. Damian chuckled.

"Sure, kiddo, that's okay. But thanks for saying that."

“She enjoyed alotof ice cream, so fair warning about the energy levels,” Jackson informed us.

“And I’m gonna go with this guy to get my stadium tickets. Cool? Cool. Okay, bye. Let’s go.” Adriana was obviously in a hurry, pushing Jackson back to the office area, and I could only laugh at how comfortable she already was in my workspace, nevermind how friendly and casual she was with Jackson.

But I had to focus on Luna now. Damian and I had something we were ready to tell her. Now that they’d spent the last few weeks starting to build a relationship, we figured it was time she knew who Damian really was to her.

I reached my hand toward Luna’s and pulled her over as we all sat down on the leather couch. Luna looked a little confused, but still smiling.

“Luna, I’ve had so much fun playing with you and getting to know you lately,” Damian started, squeezing her hand.

Luna lit up.

“Me, too, Sir Laze-a-lot. I’m glad we’re friends.” She winked at Damian.

“Yes, I’m glad you all are friends too,” I said, glancing back at Damian. “And we have something that we’d like to share with you, Luna. You know how some kids have… Well, some kids have both a mommy and a daddy?”

I watched as Luna tried to process that piece of information with a slow nod and pulled together eyebrows.

“Yes,” she finally said confidently. “And you’re my mommy, Mommy.”

“I am your mommy, yes. And I’malwaysgoing to be your mommy. But,” I took a deep breath. “Sir Laze.. – I mean, Damian is…Damian is your daddy.”

There. The truth was fully out there now.

Luna went still and just looked at Damian, her eyes wide as the moon. I glanced at Damian, and it was clear that he was a nervous wreck. He still had a smile on his face for Luna, but so much hung in these next few moments. The air was full of anticipation.

“You’re…my daddy?” Luna’s voice was barely a whisper as she tried to grasp this information. I was suddenly worried that we’d done this all wrong, that we should have waited, or just not said anything. Maybe she was too young…

Damian’s eyes were glossy and his chin quivered just ever so slightly. I was trying my best to keep my tears in check as well.

“That’s right, Luna. I’m your daddy,” he confirmed, voice shaking from the emotion that I was sure was surging through him.

One long – very, very long – moment later, a smile split across Luna’s face and she launched herself at Damian. Thankfully, he was able to catch her.

“You’re my daddy!” Excitement was written all over her face and Damian and I both let out a long, deep breath.

And that was the moment Damian let the tear of joy fall down his cheek as he hugged Luna tightly. It was clear on his face and in his eyes that he had no plans of letting her go ever again.

We still had so much to figure out, but the most important one was how to keep Luna’s life somewhat normal while still growing closer as a family. But we’d be able to face those challenges and answer those questions together.

Damian freed one arm and reached across for me, pulling me close.

The warmth of our family cut through the cool temperature of the studio, and I breathed more easily than I had in years.
