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As I stepped out of Emily's office, my mind was already racing with ideas for the photo shoot. I knew I wanted something unique and eye-catching, enough to show the hunk of a man Jack is, but I wasn't quite sure how to achieve it.

I dialed Jack's number, my heart beating a little faster as the phone rang.

"Hey, gorgeous," Jack's voice was warm and full of an emotion I couldn't place. Something about it made me bite back a giggle. I felt myself relaxing a little.

"Hi, Jack," I said, trying to keep my voice casual, even if the picture in my mind had my legs around his neck while he was… OMG! Pull it together! I cleared my throat. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, Maya. Great, even. How about you?”

"I'm good too.” I forced myself to use my business tone. "Listen, I was wondering if you might be free for a photo shoot for the story in the magazine."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and I held my breath. I was crossing my fingers and toes that Jack would say yes and overlook the last minute timing.

"Sure, Maya," Jack said finally. "I'd be happy to do it. When were you thinking?"

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

“So, unfortunately, time is not on our side. Long story short, this was meant to be scheduled sooner, but now we’re up against the deadline and it needs to be tomorrow. Noon? We can come to you if that makes things easier.”

"I wouldn't mind if you came, but the others? They can stay where they are." His voice was normal, but it sounded like he was smiling. I smiled too because I knew what was coming.

"We’ll do it here, then. In our studio," I said, rolling my eyes.

"That sounds perfect," Jack said, with a chuckle. "I'll be there."

I felt a rush of relief and happiness. Jack had been a great interview subject, and I knew the photos would make the piece come alive.

"That's great, Jack," Maya said. "Thank you so much."

"No problem, Maya," Jack said. "I'm happy to do it. See you tomorrow."

"See you then.” I hung up the phone, letting out a deep breath.

For a moment, I just stood there, staring at my phone. Like every interaction with Jack, the consequence was pure guilt knotting up my stomach. I liked flirting with him and being in his company. But, deep down, part of me wondered if I was really ready to let him into my life or whether I was just eager to work on the story because I was in line for a promotion.

If he knew…No, I had to push that thought aside. I couldn’t let Jack get that close to me again.

My chest tightened as I thought about it while I walked to my office. Guilt settled in the pit of my stomach, and I could feel my heart racing. I wanted to justify my actions, to convince myself that everything I had done was for the right reasons. Most of the time, I believed in myself. But now…now I was wondering if any of it was true.

I tried to distract myself from my thoughts by focusing on something else. I started trying to do research for my next story, but everything was blurring together and I couldn’t concentrate.

I sighed and put my head on my desk.

Jack was a good person. I might not have believed that when he left me for San Francisco, but getting to know him now, there was no doubt that he was truly good. It was complicating the situation and everything would have been easier if he was just an asshole. I had no idea what to do now.

Regret and guilt rose up like bile, and I thought I was going to be sick. Blindly, I grabbed my water bottle and took a deep sip through the straw, not bothering to lift my head.

I had no idea what I was going to do. But the photo shoot tomorrow had to be the last time I saw Jack. Because if we kept this up, my life would be seriously changed. And I wasn’t convinced that was for the best.

Chapter 10


Isteppedoutofthe car in front of MHM and took a deep breath. Daniel, my best friend, slapped me on the back.

“Ready to be a star?” He laughed. I wasn’t sure why I brought him, except I felt like I needed moral support. My assistant, Becky, followed us with her nose buried in her phone, typing furiously. Without Becky, I'm sure my day to day activities would be a mess.

We were greeted at the reception desk–not by Maya, which was disappointing–and led to the photo studio where several people were setting up the equipment and adjusting the lights to get the perfect shot. The sound of the camera shutter clicking furiously echoed through the room as they tested it out.
