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“That’s a great idea. If we can find some interesting looking things, I might even be able to get Eli to eat a vegetable or two.”

Mom laughed.

“I wouldn’t put any money on it.”

We drove to the market, chatting about nothing in particular. The sun was warm on my skin, and the breeze was cool and refreshing. We walked through the rows of stalls, admiring the fresh produce and the other handmade goods they sold. My mother knew many of the vendors by name, and she greeted them warmly.

We picked out the vegetables and fruits we needed, selecting the freshest and most flavorful ones. My mother carefully inspected each item, making sure it was of the highest quality. I helped her carry the bags, feeling useful and content.

As we walked back to the car, my mother asked me how I was doing. I gave her a one-sentence answer, but I knew she wasn’t going to let it go. Mother always knew when something was bothering me. It was a superpower of hers, unfortunately for me, because it just meant she would continue to bug me until I caved.

"So, how's everything with Jack? He’s been spending so much time with Eli these days. Do you two get any time to talk?" my mom asked as we put the groceries in the back of the car.

I forced a smile, hoping to avoid the topic.

"It's good. We're good."

But she wasn’t one to be deterred so easily.

"I remember when you were younger, you used to tell me everything. What's going on, Maya?"

I sighed as we got into the car.

“I don’t know. I just feel like I’ve messed everything up. IknowI’ve messed everything up. You know, by not telling him about Eli earlier.”

Mom reached over and squeezed my hand.

“I know this is hard. Have you talked to Jack about it? Have you told him this?”

I nod.

“Yeah, I have. He’s hurt, understandably.”

“Just give him time. He needs to get to know Eli and sort all of this out for himself. You can’t rush it.”

I nodded again, letting my head fall back on the headrest. A tear threatened to fall from my eyes.

"You and Dad warned me about not telling Jack, about what could happen. But I was too hurt and scared to listen."

My mother nods sympathetically.

"I know, Maya. But it's not too late to make things right. You’re taking a good first step in encouraging Jack and Eli to have a relationship."

Her words hit me hard, and I couldn’t help the tears that started to well up in my eyes. A sob escaped from deep within my chest.

"I just don't know what to do, Mom. I don't know how to fix this."

She reached over and hugged me, letting me cry on her shoulder.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You’ll figure this out."

We sat like that for a few minutes, with my mother rubbing my back and soothing me with her words. Finally, I pulled away and started the car.

"You're right, Mom. I should talk to Jack again. It’s been months since we’ve talked about anything meaningful.”

My mother nodded and squeezed my hand one last time.

We continued the drive home in silence, but the weight on my shoulders felt a little lighter after talking to Mom. I knew that talking to Jack wouldn't be easy, but it was a step in the right direction.
