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Tate nodded and hugged Henry. "We're all here for you." Tate glanced at her. "Both of you."


He tried to remember a time in his life when he'd been this overwhelmed. But he couldn't think of one. So many changes were happening at once. And, to see all the love and support from family and friends...well that was stunning. He'd do anything for any of them, but to know they felt the same, for some weird reason, never occurred to him.

He tied his work boots as Everleigh used the bathroom. Standing, he began tossing clothes into a duffel bag. He wasn't quite sure where they'd sleep tonight. The barn, or the house, or come back here. But he'd guess that Everleigh would want to sleep in the barn so the horses wouldn't be scared. It was only one more night, and it was exciting in so many ways. Last night they'd talked softly, listened to the nickering, and snorts of their rooming companions. It was new. So much new. In some ways he was ready for things to settle down. But not just yet.

The bathroom door opened and Everleigh stepped out looking fresh somehow. She wore jeans that fit her legs and ass perfectly. A cute cap-sleeve pink t-shirt. Her hair was swept up in a ponytail on top of her head. She looked absolutely adorable.

He stood and scooped her up in his arms. Then he kissed her lips. Softly. Sweetly. Fully.

"I love you, Everleigh."

She giggled against his lips. "I love you. And, for the record, I love hearing that."

He grinned. "Me too."

"Deal. I'll say it often."

He chuckled, then patted her butt. She looked damned good in those jeans.

"Okay, so I'm packing a bag for tonight. Not sure where we'll stay. What do you think?"

"I was wondering the same thing. I can toss some clothes into a bag."

Everleigh pulled undergarments from the drawer and put them neatly in her suitcase. She turned and cocked her head adorably. “Should I pack everything? Are we coming back here?”

“I figured for myself I’d pack a couple of days’ worth, in case I get super dirty, which is likely. But, figured I'd then come back and pack. For you, you don't have as much here right now, so it's probably better if you just pack it all up now."

She grimaced, and his heart fell. "I didn't mean to make it sound like you don't have anything."

She huffed out a cute little breath, then said, "It's not a lie. I don't have much."

He grinned and kissed her nose. "Well, besides what you have here, we have seven horses and a bunch of farm stuff. Plus a big ole’ house.”

She shrugged. "Boy, what a difference a day makes."

He chuckled and zipped up his bag. "I'll let you pack while I go out and visit and make arrangements with everyone."

"Okay." Her smile was radiant, her demeanor happy. It excited him all over again.

He walked through the house, the kitchen empty of people, which was unusual. Where was Helissa today? He hadn't given it much thought earlier, but now, he wondered if she was sick.

He deposited his bag in the back of his truck then walked to the group of family, friends, and co-workers, who were like family to him.

Tate grinned. "Are you ready?"

He laughed. "Pretty fucking ready." Tate clapped him on the back and laughed with him. Henry then remembered to ask. "Where's Helissa?"

"She had some things to do today."

He shrugged. It wasn't his business to get involved in people's lives. Hell, he could barely keep up with his own these days.

Everleigh came out of the HOG rolling her suitcase behind her. Henry met her halfway and picked up her suitcase. "Do you want to drive your car over to the farm?"


He kissed her, set her suitcase in the back of his truck and nodded. He turned, "Okay, let's hit the road."
