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"You don't cry. It's all good. I'm from here. People help each other. I'll help you. One day, you'll help me. That's it."

She nodded and Helissa handed her a napkin. She dabbed at her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. Holy crap what a whirlwind week. Holy crap!

Helissa clapped her hands. "Dinner is ready. Please let the men know."

Sophie had just entered the kitchen. "I'll run out." She turned and exited the room.

There were plates set up on the counter and silverware. "Where did all this come from?” She asked anyone who would answer.

Roxanne, who always was the picture of poise and grace smiled at her. "This was all here. Mr. DeWitt left it. When we found the cupboards filled with items, we called Zander and he called Mr. DeWitt who said, and I quote. 'Tell them it’s on me. Those dishes are antiques. They can keep them or sell them. Whatever.'"

"Wow. That's amazing." She picked up a plate and looked at the pattern. They were white with different patterns on the separate sizes of plates. Isabella neared. "I believe these are Wedgwood Plates. They are wonderful plates, and it appears the entire set is here. Twelve of each plate, bowl, coffee cup, saucer, and the serving dishes too. Not a bad way to start out."

"That's unbelievable." She glanced up to see Henry watching her, his disbelief as evident as hers likely was. He winked at her and butterflies took off in her stomach. Lately they'd had precious little time to just be. She looked forward to that. Just being. Hopefully, he wouldn't grow bored with her.

The noise level rose as the men entered the house. Hawk was first. "We need to wash up. Which bathroom should we use?"

Roxanne looked her way, but she had no idea. She shrugged and Roxanne smiled sweetly. "The bathroom just off the linen closet near the dining room has been cleaned."

They had a linen closet? She hadn't seen that. She was going to need some time to wander around this place and find everything. Which made her wonder where her suitcase had gone. Likely in the master bedroom upstairs, but she didn't remember seeing a closet up there. She'd walk around later.

The men came back in one at a time and picked up a plate and began filling them with fried chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and fresh bread. The bread still steamed as it laid on the plate, the butter would melt right into it. Her tummy growled.

Hawk turned as he dumped a giant spoonful of mashed potatoes on his plate. "I'm sorry. You and Henry should go first."

"No, please, as our guests, go ahead. It's the least we can do for all you've done for us."

Her eyes darted to Roxanne who winked at her, and she took that as approval. Though she wasn't sure what she was seeking approval for. Just because they were Henry's parents, she did want them to like her. And, she wanted their approval. She'd seldom had her parents' approval.

Taking a deep breath, she leaned back against the counter and told herself to let it go. It was time. Let the past go. She had her sister. She had Henry and she had all these amazing people in her life. That was more than so many other people ever had in theirs.

"Are you alright?" His deep voice wrapped around her and goosebumps formed on her arms. Yes, she liked his voice. A lot.

"I am. How about you?"

He chuckled. "I'm doing about as good as you." He leaned down near her ear. "I didn't know we had a linen closet."

She burst out laughing. "I didn't either and was just thinking we'd need to go through each room and figure it all out. Like, where are our clothes?"

His brows bunched together. "Yeah, where did they go?"

"See? We have some exploring to do."

He bent down and kissed her temple and she closed her eyes. His arm slid around her shoulders and she leaned into him as she watched their guests, their very first guests, fill their plates, laugh, joke around, eat and enjoy each other. The large dining room table filled as they took their food in and sat. It was lovely. Like a family. It made her heart fill with so much emotion, she was afraid she'd blabber on like a baby if she let herself think about it too long. So, she didn't.

They were the last to fill their plates and Henry squeezed her shoulders. "Our turn."

She looked up at him and smiled. "You first, please."

"I'm not even going to argue. I'm starving and wait until you taste Helissa's fried chicken."

"Shit, I've been mooning over the bread since I first walked in here."

He chuckled. "Okay. Let's do it."

They filled their plates and found the dining room full, so the two of them stepped out onto the porch and sat in their rocking chairs.

The horses had been turned out to pasture, all except Queenie. She had to stay in until her wounds were healed. But the others were outside looking simply picture perfect. They grazed in the long grass. Their tails swished back and forth, and they looked peaceful.
