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She looked Sheriff Cranford in the eye. "Will they come down here or do we have to travel up there?"

Sheriff Cranford shuffled back and forth on his feet, then huffed out a deep breath. "You'll likely have to go up there. But Henry here will make sure you're safe. I'll have officers close at hand should anything happen."

"Okay. Then give me a bit of time to get up there, and say nine o'clock in the morning?"

"Sounds good. I'll give you a call as soon as I confirm that will work."

She stepped past her chair, then pushed it in under the table. "Thank you. Tomorrow, I'd like to meet with the president of the town council. I'm still waiting for him to reply to my meeting request."

"Sounds good. We're all agreeable to meet with you and finalize all of this nonsense. It's time for folks to move forward."

"I agree. I'll be in touch with you both in the coming week."

She started toward the door, but Henry beat her to it and opened it for her. She offered a small smile as a thank you, then walked in front of him to the door.

He was the perfect gentleman all around. Opening doors, helping her in and out of his truck. Basically, he was doing his job. Right now her shoulders were tight and she needed to relax a bit, but she wasn't sure where to do that in this town. Normally, she'd scope out a gym or exercise facility, but it was so danged hot here, it would take her hours to cool down afterwards.

Henry jumped into his truck and his phone rang. Much to her surprise, he tapped a button on the console and said, "Hi, Mom."

"Hi, honey. I just emailed you the offer, and Dad and I will be there in about four hours."

"Fantastic. Did you call Helissa to have a room set up for you?"

"Not yet."

"I'll take care of it. See you soon. I'm in the truck now with Everleigh Hayes, the negotiator Casper sent down to settle this business with the BRR. I'll look at the offer after I drop her off at her hotel."

"Sounds good. See you later. Hello, Everleigh."

She felt deflated that he'd just drop her off and go off to do things. But then his mom said hello and it took her a few moments for it to register. "Oh, hello Ms. Delany."

Ms. Delany's laugh sounded cute and genuine. "Oh, Everleigh, call me Roxanne."

Her lips curved into a smile. "Roxanne. Hello."

"Okay. We'll see you later Henry. Everleigh, I hope to meet you while we're in town."

She eased into a smile. "I'd like that."

Henry chuckled. "Bye, Mom. See you later."

He pushed a button on his console and chuckled. "She's a great person. She's a better mom."

"That's wonderful. She said something about an offer."

He turned his head and stared into her eyes. "Yeah. I think I'm buying a farm."

"A farm? Really? And, you think?"

His cheeks tinted pink and it was handsome on him. His full lips broke into a gorgeous smile and that was even handsomer.

"My parents are phenomenal people. My dad has been an operative with GHOST for more than forty years. He's talking about retiring this year. My mom has been an attorney for nearly that same length of time. Since both of them have stressful jobs, just before I was born, they bought a hobby farm about an hour outside of Lynyrd Station, where Dad works. We spent every spare minute at the farm. By the time I was ten, Dad adjusted how many missions he went on so we could be at the farm more often. We have horses there. A few cows, chickens, and ducks. Dad just loves working his body hard to relieve the stress of his job. Mom helped out some, but she's a great cook and she kept us fed. I have one sister, Stella, who is two years younger than me. We both grew up working on the farm. I feel like it's in my blood."

"Oh, wow. That's wonderful. Are you planning to have horses?"

His right shoulder raised and lowered, and his grin was cute. "I'm not sure. Right now it needs a lot of work so it'll be a while before I can safely have any animals there."

"So you have a project on your hands."
