Page 13 of Learning to Walk

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“How about we just wait and see if we can see it on his credit card when he pays for dinner?” He asked us out, so he’d probably pay. “He seems like the pay-for-dinner type.”

Gareth lit up. “That’s a great idea. Yeah.”

Eventually, we’d figure it out…right?

“It’ll be fine.” It might end up being one of the weirdest dates ever but he didn’t seem like the angry and vengeful type, so either way, we probably shouldn’t worry.

“Are you going to do that reading you were talking about?” Gareth’s mind seemed to be rabbiting all over the place because it took me a second to remember that I’d been originally looking for my textbook. The professor was old school enough that he even hated digital copies, but I kept setting the book down in weird places.

“No.” There was no reason to hide it. “My brain is not going to focus on schoolwork right now.”

How was Smiling Guy able to just jump from running through our life like a hurricane to doing homework?

“Yeah.” Gareth’s frown said he was in a similar position. “We could do some baking and that meal prep stuff you were talking about.”

That’d still be productive.

“Okay, and maybe we make some soup?” That would be good to eat for a few meals. “And somehow Brady talked me into switching chores with him, so I need to vacuum.”

Brady was kind of dangerous when Jude wasn’t around to tell him to stop talking us into stupid shit.

“Yeah, somehow I have to mop the kitchen.” Gareth glanced back toward the door with a confused frown on his face. “Do you think Downstairs Guy would keep Brady from Bradying us?”

If he was actually a Dom…yes.

“It can’t hurt to ask.”

We were at the point where the conversations couldn’t get any weirder.

Chapter 4

Downstairs Guy

They were so adorable they could’ve been littles.

“If we’re going to play games, I think we should go for the high-points ones so we can win Brady a prize.” Gareth was very earnest as he focused on the games area across the restaurant.

He hadn’t even picked out dinner and he was already thinking about his friend.

“I think we’re supposed to be talking about…well…other stuff.” Cashel couldn’t seem to say the word date but I thought it was obvious.

“Like what?” Gareth glanced around the table. “Oh.”

Now he remembered he was on a date.

Cashel was doing his best not to roll his eyes, but it seemed to be painful to keep all that lovely snark trapped inside. “Yeah.”

So cute.

“I don’t mind if you talk about Brady.” The wide-eyed little was adorably high-maintenance, so I had a feeling they talked about him a lot. “And we’re in a restaurant that has fun food and games. I’d be surprised if it didn’t make you think about him.”

Reminding them that I knew Brady was little and was perfectly okay with it seemed like a good idea. It hadn’t been my intention to focus on him on our date, but I’d wanted to take them someplace a bit silly where they wouldn’t overthink it.

“Does he like games?” I glanced between the two slightly uneasy men and smiled. “I know a lot of littles like different kinds of games, but I thought I heard Brady say something about Legos?”

They blinked for a few seconds before Cashel nodded. “Yeah, he’s on the younger side, I guess? I don’t know anyone else like Brady except for, well, Brady. But he said he likes coloring and stuff like that, so I never thought to bring him here. The internet never said to take him here.”

They were the cutest big brothers ever.
