Page 3 of Learning to Walk

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“You guys are so cute.” That got wide-eyed stares from both of them and it just made me chuckle. “I can’t be the first guy who’s told you that. I’ve seen you go out on dates, and Brady was so excited a few months ago when you started seeing that guy who delivered pizzas here for a while.”

Cash blushed a delightful shade of red as Gareth continued to stare at me.

“Now, admittedly, I’m curious to know if you guys are dating now since I haven’t seen the pizza guy in a while, but I just wanted to make sure you knew you had other resources besides Brady and frowning Daddy Jude if you had questions.” Waiting for someone to nod or at least point out I’d crossed their boundaries, I kept grinning and just stood there silently.

It took several more sighs and pointed looks before Cash spoke up again, and the spokesman for the duo didn’t seem pleased to have been nominated. “The pizza guy didn’t work out.”

Not missing out on a chance to get to know them better, I nodded. “He seemed kind of stuffy for you. I mean, he didn’t even seem to understand that Brady’s a little. The wholewhy does he have crayonsdiscussion was a clue he was too vanilla for your household.”

More blinks.

“Yeah.” Somehow I’d gotten Gareth to actually talk that time. “He didn’t understand that Cash wasn’t going to blow him on their first date either, so I didn’t think he’d last.”

I loved oversharers.

They were both wonderfully fascinating, but I frowned that time. “Cash isn’t ablowjob on the first datekind of guy. He has to get to know someone first, and more importantly, he wants them to understand Brady. You guys have been a family for a long time.”

If I knew that, then it shouldn’t have been hard for someone who was dating them to figure it out. Him. Dating him.


Instead of jumping into the blowjob conversation, Cash turned to Gareth. “We really are way too loud.”

“Never.” I scoffed and Gareth seemed to be trying not to smile or maybe even laugh. “I was very sad when the window got fixed, but don’t worry, Brady talks to himself a lot, so that’s keeping me mostly up to date.”

Cash scrubbed his hands over his face. “This has all just gotten…”

Since that seemed to be my opening, I toned down the smile and nodded. “I know. It’s been a wild ride with Brady finding his Daddy and you guys finally getting to see what that means in a healthy relationship way, but that doesn’t mean you have to be frustrated or confused. Communication is important. You’re still family.”

Just one that Jude didn’t seem to like most of the time.

But since that was how family usually worked, I wasn’t worried.

Gareth didn’t seem to know what to say, and I had a feeling that was due to Cash’s confusion just as much as his own. They really were two halves of a whole even if they didn’t seem to realize it. But that was okay because I was very helpful.

That was the part that Gareth did seem to understand because he actually stepped back from the door and waved me in as he responded. “Brady says he’s happy.”

But…I could hear that unspoken word as I followed him in, just inside the doorway so I didn’t seem too overwhelming.

“But the spanking thing confuses you?” That had both of them nodding, but I couldn’t decide if Cash was confused or if he was saying Gareth was confused.

Did it matter?

Deciding no, it did not, I charged in again and followed Gareth over to the couch where I had to move crayons and stuffed animals to sit down. “For a lot of people, the pain and pleasure centers get a bit mixed up.”

And judging by Brady’s orgasms, he was in that category, but I didn’t point that out to his roommates because I had a feeling the orgasm part was something they hadn’t missed either.

“It can be for a variety of reasons.” I tried to sound relaxed as Cash shut the door and walked over to sit in a chair in the living room as Gareth sat down beside me on the couch. “From what I’ve overheard, Brady likes the pain and it’s also cathartic for him. It makes him feel good physically, and emotionally he feels cleared out. Like a reset button that comes with an orgasm.”




Gareth frowned. “But Jude is hurting him.”

“Only in the most technical sense of the word.” They were both back to frowning. “First, let me ask a few questions. Is Brady happy?”
