Page 37 of Learning to Walk

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“I think we need to make sure he’s getting more orgasms during the week.” Something about the way Cashel had twitched when Gareth talked about his best friend’s orgasm schedule made me curious. “You don’t jerk off in the same room together?”

Hadn’t they said they’d been living together since their freshman year?

Gareth looked confused and shook his head. “No.”

How had that not occurred to him to do at least a few times?

“Well, how about we try that and see how it works?” Cashel had stopped groaningandbreathing, so I kissed his head to try to prompt that to restart.

It was kind of important.

“We’ll figure out if you need a schedule later, but for the time being, you both clearly need an orgasm tonight, and I think Cashel needs an emotional connection with you while he does it.” And that got air going again.

Yep, I was right.

“I’m not sure privacy and too much thinking time by himself would be helpful at the moment.” Rubbing Cashel’s back, I kissed Gareth’s cheek. “Would you like to jerk off together so he knows you don’t mind being watched and you want to make him happy too?”

That got an immediate nod from Gareth. “If we’re dating together and dating you and he’s going to be there while you spank me, I think that’s a good plan. It’ll probably make him feel more like we’re dating too?”

“I would have to agree.” Yes, less roommate behavior and more dating behavior might help them see they’d been in a relationship for longer than they’d realized. “So tonight, the plan is for you to both jerk off in your room. It’s okay if it’s under the covers because the goal is an emotional connection.”

Gareth looked like he thought it was perfectly reasonable but he turned to Cashel. “What do you think? It’s not Wednesday.”

Did he really think that mattered?

Didhehave a schedule?

I was starting to understand why Brady hadn’t thought it was a good idea to ask them anything personal. The answers were always curious and probably confused the fuck out of Brady. But luckily for my cuties, I was made of more interesting stuff than our adorable friend and little.

But honestly, Jude should’ve been able to handle more of this if he’d really tried.

“I don’t mind that it’s not Wednesday.” Cashel’s answer was fabulous.

Of course, Gareth didn’t seem to realize how carefully worded the response had been, he just gave me a big smile. “Alright, we’ve got a plan.”

He was the cutest thing and Cashel was the most dramatic.

They complemented each other perfectly in nearly every way but the most important…the ability to push themselves out of their comfort zones. Yep, that was definitely the reason I’d been put in their life, and fate was utterly brilliant.

“Wonderful.” Having a plan was a good place to start. “But what do we do if we feel overwhelmed?”

Gareth piped up immediately as Cashel sighed. “Safeword.”

“Perfect.” Gareth got a quick kiss as Cashel worked up an answer.

“Safeword.” Cashel let out a long breath and bravely kept going. “I’m green.”

Gareth had no idea why Cashel had needed to say that, but he gave his dramatic friend a hug as he seemed to mentally brush away his questions. “I’m glad.”

Yep, he couldn’t have explained what was going on there if there’d been a gun to his head, but he was delightfully supportive.

Brady must’ve been very confused the first year they’d all lived together. Hm, had he brought them home the first time so his mother could explain to him what was going on with them?

Every step we took together led to a thousand more questions. It was wonderful and maddening all at the same time. They’d never leave me bored, that was one thing I was certain about. But the constant quest for answers would be insanely distracting.

However, it would be worth it to have them in my life.

“When do we get to date again and is this one over?” Gareth glanced back and forth between us as he mentally jumped a few steps further than Cashel. “How much longer do I have to wait to get a spanking? You left that part kind of vague.”
