Page 4 of Learning to Walk

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That got immediate nods, so I knew their confusion hadn’t passed into fear yet.

“Does Brady like having someone who’s just there to watch over him and set boundaries?” I knew the answer to that one, so I was glad to see their heads bobbing again. “Would Brady stay with someone who was mean to him?”

Shaking their heads without seeming to think about it, finally had their shoulders relaxing. It seemed that something was getting through to them, but I wasn’t sure I’d answered enough questions yet. “Brady is honest to a fault. If he says he loves Jude and he loves spankings, I think you can trust that. He probably loves them more than he loves coloring, guys.”

They both went silent before a slow breath escaped Gareth. “I still don’t understand it, but you’re right, he wouldn’t do something he didn’t want to.”

Cash nodded but he seemed more focused on Gareth’s emotions more than the actual spanking itself.

“He likes having someone there to take care of him completely.” That was obvious to anyone with eyes. “You guys did a great job taking care of him, but I don’t think either of you are natural Daddies and that’s what he needed.”

And they went still again.

Oh, had they not realized they were subs of some sort?

Somehow that always seemed to surprise a large percentage of people.

Cash licked his lips as his eyes darted back to Gareth, but Gareth was staring at me like I’d said something scary or brilliant.


They were my favorite neighbors for a variety of reasons, one being they never woke me up at six in the morning on a Saturday singing about Barney or Winnie the Pooh. They’d also never let bugs escape into the building and they didn’t glare at me every time I said hello…that actually applied to several guys in the building, oddly enough.

Yep, the fact that they were both sexy in different ways was the icing on the cake.

“I probably shouldn’t offer to spank you since we haven’t known each other in person very long, but Brady’s the type to share. So I don’t think he’d mind letting Jude spank you as long as clear boundaries were set up beforehand.”

Because that was one kinky cutie with questionable logic and he could talk himself into just about anything.

“Would you like me to help you ask them?”

What else were neighbors for?

Chapter 2


The building was filled with nothing but insane people.

On some level I knew that included me, but I wasn’t going to focus on that part at the moment.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” I wasn’t sure that was what my response should’ve been, but focusing was hard, so I was just glad I’d gotten some kind of answer out.

“He’s not attracted to Jude. I think that would have to come first for the spanking demo to work.” Cash’s answer was smooth and logical in a weird way.

He was also not wrong.

But it also seemed like kind of an odd way to answer the already weird suggestion.


“He frowns a lot and he’s just not a happy person.” Thewhy Jude wasn’t my typetopic seemed easier to answer than everything else. “He makes me anxious even when he doesn’t realize it.”

Downstairs Neighbor Guy nodded and didn’t think the statement was weird. “Yeah, a lot of…people need someone happier to make them feel…confident.”

I wasn’t always the brightest when I was stressed. My nerves made my brain cells vacate the premises pretty quickly, but even I knew he hadn’t been going to say that to begin with.

But what had he been going to say?
