Page 5 of Learning to Walk

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He was so weird…but in a friendly way?

Friendly was nice.

It also seemed to make Cash stupid too because he started nodding again. “Yeah, happy is important in a lot of ways.”

What the fuck?

How had this conversation gone so off the rails?

Our possibly overly friendly neighbor just gave Cash a pleased smile like he was really proud of him for something. “It really is. So let’s figure out someone else to help Gareth walk through his research.”


Oh, the spanking.


“I think I’m fine. It’ll be fine.” Yes, it would all be fine.

Downstairs Guy cocked his head and looked disappointed in me for some reason, and that had my stomach knotting up. “Don’t back down now. You’ve got questions you need answers to. Your family here would want to help you.”

How did he know I had questions?

Did he just mean about the spanking thing?

There didn’t seem to be a way to ask that without admitting that I had questions, so I just stayed silent. When in doubt, say nothing. Sometimes it made me appear stupid but most of the time people didn’t question looking stoic.

Downstairs Guy sighed. “Not good, cutie. We don’t block our feelings. That’s just not helpful in the long run.”

Who was he and how did we always get ourselves in situations like this?

“At least it’s not a spider.” Cash’s quietly whispered answer seemed to say he was reading my mind…which was frightening in a lot of ways.

“Thank you for trying to help.” Yes, Brady said being polite was important and would get us out of most situations.

It seemed to just make Downstairs Guy smile, though.

Was that helpful?

“You’re welcome, but I’m not sure we’ve done enough to ease your mind.” Looking serious and sweet, he glanced between us and sighed. “I think we’re going to have to handle this amongst ourselves to do that. You and Cash here are already close and look super sexy together, honestly, so I think that’ll be the best option.”

I felt my jaw drop open but nothing else came out.

Cash seemed to be in a similar state, but I’d kind of expected him to at least tell the guy politely that he was nuts.


Downstairs Guy seemed to take that as permission to keep going. “Great. Alright, first step is going to be to get everyone comfortable together. If you’re going to understand spankings, and probably submission in general, you need to be relaxed around all of us first and I’m not family yet.”

Somehow it was so logical I found myself nodding without realizing it.

Wait. Yet?

“Great.” But it made Downstairs Guy so happy…and I didn’t want to burst his bubble.

He was being polite…and helpful, right?

Brady’s mom said it was good manners to let people help even if you didn’t really need it. She’d said people like to feel useful.
