Page 52 of Learning to Walk

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He didn’t seem terribly serious about that order, so I shook my head. “I had it all planned out to get you to come in with me.”

Maybe guilt would help?

Bates chuckled and gave me another soft peck as he shook his head. “I would love to, but Jude is threatening to bury my body if I hurt you two cuties, so I think Brady is having a fit. But with the windows closed, it’s hard to tell.”

Well, that was inconvenient.

“We’ll have to leave them cracked open more often.” Making sure our Dom knew what was happening in our life seemed important. He liked being well-informed and it’d put him in our life, so I couldn’t complain about it too much. “Jude doesn’t like it when Brady is upset.”

No one liked it when Brady was upset, but I wasn’t sure how we’d gotten to that point.

“I left a note.” Frowning, I leaned closer to beg for another kiss. Bates grinned and gave me another but kisses couldn’t fix a pouting Brady. “Why is he so upset?”

I’d left a note.

I hadn’t gone alone.

I knew Bates’s name.

We hadn’t even had official sex yet…we’d just hadkind ofsex.

Had I missed some kind of rules?

“I think we’re going slower than Brady did.” That had to mean we weren’t doing something wrong.

“We are.” Bates kissed me again but then did the saddest thing and stepped back. “Alright, you finish up and nofinishing up.”

That got another groan from Cash which made Bates look wicked.

“I’ll be good.” Mostly because I’d been hoping to be naughty later, but I wasn’t so sure that was the plan anymore. “One more kiss?”

“Any time.” Bates was very Dom-looking as he stepped closer and dove into a deep kiss that had my dick convinced there was more to come.

There wasn’t.

Once I was breathless and hard, Bates released my lips and headed out of the bathroom before I could find another way to tempt him. “You are distracting.”

He was really sweet even if Jude had been a pain in the ass.

I was trying to keep all that sweet naughtiness right at the front of my mind as I got dressed in my pajamas again but it was difficult. Cash had gone from worried about wanting to be naughty to just worried, and Bates had decided the best way to take care of us was to keep our clothes on.

It was tragic.

And definitely Jude’s fault somehow.

“Breakfast was wonderful, thank you for making the danishes.” Bates kept saying they were easy, but the pastry stuff and the cream cheese and everything didn’t seem simple.

Even Cash hadn’t been convinced it was easy and he could make a cake that didn’t come from a box.

“You’re welcome.” Bates kissed my head as he walked by the table carrying plates to the kitchen. “Does anyone want more coffee?”

I wanted to say yes, but I wasn’t sure that would lead to more kissing or my conversation about spankings. “Why does it feel like our morning is already over?”

Bates sighed but didn’t tell me I was being ridiculous like I’d hoped he would. “Because you’re a very smart cutie.”

As he came back, Cash was frowning too. “I’m not saying I’m ready to have conversations, but they shouldn’t control what we do.”

I thought that seemed logical since I wasn’t sure he’d ever be ready for a Bates kind of conversation, but Bates scrunched up his face as he sat down. “I can understand why they’re worried, though.”
