Page 61 of Learning to Walk

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And they both froze.

This was going to be interesting.

Chapter 17


If age play meant being little and getting a Daddy, puppy play had to be something about puppies and having someone taking care of them. BDSM stuff had one person submitting and one person managing the person who submitted.

The logic felt right but I knew I was missing a few pieces.

What did puppies do?

It couldn’t be real ones but was there a fetish about stuffed animals?

Okay, there probably was but I couldn’t imagine Cash picturing me with a pile of puppies. I didn’t like stuffed animals and real ones were messy.

Cash was still silently freaking out and thinking I was mad at him, so I focused on Bates who was snuggling me close. Petting his chest, I decided to stop worrying and just ask. “I don’t know what that is but Brady’s into age play and has a Daddy who takes care of him…so it’s something like that?”

Feeling Bates nod and hearing the quiet, approving noise made me feel better. It wasn’t a smart or dumb thing. I’d connected some of the dots. Bates was still acting normal. Cash was just being Cash and was worried about something ridiculous.

It wasn’t my fault that his brain was weird.

“Yes, it’s along those same lines. To oversimply things, Brady relaxes and finds a lot of joy in getting to a headspace where he’s younger than his body is, right?”

“Yes.” Sighing, I nodded. “But even when he’s big in his head too, he's still not the most adulty person I’ve ever met.”

Bates chuckled. “I have to agree with that but don’t get us off track. For puppy play, when the sub—well, usually the sub, but it doesn’t have to be that way—never mind, I’m getting off track too. Okay, when the person who wants to relax finds their playful headspace, they’re pretending to be a puppy.”


“Like a tail and everything?” Had Cash ever talked about that before? Had Brady?

“Yes, generally, but everyone does it differently.” Kissing my head, Bates stroked my back and kept explaining. “The pups I’ve met usually have a hood, kind of like a mask, that shows what they picture their pup side looking like and they pick out other gear to help them feel more like a pup. Tails. Things like that.”

Well, it seemed a little different.

“But why did that make Cash choke?” Pulling back again, I frowned at Bates. “Do I look like a pup? I’m missing something.”

He frowned back in an exaggerated way that made me fight the urge to smile. “I have not gotten enough kisses or smiles from my curious boy.”

He was just as dramatic as Cash.

But he was our Dom, so I gave him a quick kiss, and somehow that made me smile which made him smile. “Perfect.”

He was so distracting.

“I’m just going to explain what was in my head when it was all going on, okay?” He waited until I nodded before going on with storytime. “The pups don’t always wear a ton of clothes. Generally, the most they’ll wear is biker shorts and fitted shirts, but a lot of the pups online and in the clubs are wearing a lot less, and the…let’s call them the most fun tails are attached to plugs. So when the pup wags his tail it’s fun for him and to watch.”


“I never found that kink when I was first looking.” I’d found Brady’s stuff and then decided the rest was overwhelming and kind of scary. “That’s not scary.”

It was kind of odd, though, but it seemed rude to mention that part.

Bates gave a vague half-shrug and smiled. “I don’t think so either. They’re cute and it can be sexy when they have the fun kind of tails.”

Well, he probably had a point there.
