Page 68 of Learning to Walk

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When he finally shrugged, the nervous tension in me wanted to explode, but Bates seemed to get that. “My curious boy, he needs more words to reassure him that you’re not frustrated with him or upset.”

“I don’t know if I’m upset. It feels a little like he doesn’t trust me.” Gareth’s words stunned me silent and all I could do was sit there as he worked through it. “I wanted to do the spanking stuff with him because I thought we do everything important together and that’s kind of important, but he’s got all these fantasies that he’s not going to share without worrying.”


I was an idiot who had no idea how to respond or what I was supposed to fix, but luckily our Dom’s brain worked faster.

“No, don’t think of it that way.” He kissed Gareth’s head again before nuzzling him so Gareth would look up. Bates’s hands were kind of full of us at the moment so he had to wait for Gareth to shift. “Kiss.”

That was one order Gareth was eager to obey and I got to watch them slowly come together. It was soft and romantic and over before I was ready, but Bates took charge immediately. “Hiseverything importantis you. You’re the most important thing to him. That’s why nothing else mattered as much as keeping you with him. The rest is fun and sexy, but it’s not you.”

How did he understand everything so clearly?

“Sexy and fun wouldn’t change that for us, though.” Gareth took a moment and finally nodded. “But I guess it’s hard to remember that when stress is eating your brain.”

Yep, there were giant dick- and tail-shaped holes in my brain making it impossible to think.

“We’ll help him remember it.” Giving Gareth another kiss, that time fast and radiating happiness, Bates jerked his head toward me. “Do you think kisses will help his memory?”

“It can’t hurt to try.” Gareth looked so serious, I couldn’t tell if he was teasing or not as he leaned in. “Moving helps you learn shit.”

He was so insane.

But then his lips touched mine and nothing else mattered…because I had Gareth and Bates and all the kisses my brain needed.

Chapter 19


They were beautiful together.

Just watching their lips move against each other’s and hearing the needy sounds and low whines they made went right through me. My heart and my dick were both in agreement that it was a sexy turning point for my two boys, but I knew we weren’t quite done yet.

Cashel needed something else to imprint the lesson he’d learned or he’d end up worrying himself silly once he was out of my sight. For the moment he was relaxed as he kissed Gareth and moved against us, so I used the time to run my hands over their backs and let the ideas flow through me.

By the time Gareth eased back, giving Cashel one last peck, I had the outline of a plan. However, the actual implementation would have to wait until I knew what Gareth was thinking about rewards and all the fun things I knew were bouncing around in his head.

“We do things together because you’re my everything important too.” Gareth was adorable and kissed Cashel’s nose as he wrinkled it. “I just remember that you’re going to love me no matter what a bit better than you do. But I’ll help. Don’t worry.”

Cashel seemed to be trying to process the innocently confusing part of that statement, but after a second, he simply nodded. It took another moment before words would work, though. “I’ll remember.”

Probably about several things from that wonderful lecture.

Swallowing, he kept nodding. “Thank you for helping.”

Gareth’s beaming smile just melted my heart. “You’re welcome.”


But his smile turned slightly naughty as he pulled Cashel closer and dropped his voice conspiratorially. “Should we reward Bates for being so good to us too?”

Cashel blushed but his scoff made me laugh. “I’m pretty sure that should count as your reward too.”

Gareth gave him a wicked grin. “I’m multitasking.”

So that was what we were going to call it?

Barely managing not to laugh again, I shook my head as they both slid down to the floor, looking eager and excited. All the stress that had been there when they’d been focused on their own relationship was gone. It seemed like they were both in sync when it came to me.
